Geeky a Go Go
Geeky a Go Go
The Acolyte Episode 4, Awful Dad Jokes and Not All Plo Koons are Plo Koon this Week on Whatcha' Watchin'
Spoilers for Acolyte Episode 4 and The First Omen in this episode. You’ve been warned!
Can dad jokes survive the sweltering New Jersey heatwave? Find out as Eric Ho and AP kick off this episode of Whatcha' Watchin' with some rib-tickling humor before diving into their queue-ventures!
First up, The Acolyte, Episode 4 recap.
Actually, first up, Eric shares his thoughts on Episode 3 since he couldn’t make the last episode.
Okay, NOW on to The Acolyte, Episode 4.
Eric and AP try to unravel the mysteries behind some Clone War-era characters that make an appearance in this weeks The Acolyte, debunking common misconceptions and speculating on deeper narrative implications. They also dive into the significance of a mysterious character potentially linked to Darth Plagueis (AP has so much money riding on this one it’s crazy) and break down the term "acolyte" within the Star Wars universe.
For those curious about how these details fit into Emperor Palpatine's rise to power, our discussion offers a must-hear analysis packed with theories and Easter eggs.
Ever wondered about the economics of horror film franchises? We bring you a riveting discussion on this topic, sparked by our review of "The First Omen" on Hulu.
Finally, Eric shares his thoughts on off-grid homesteading in Canada from a YouTube series, Wild Homestead.
Would you give it all up to live off the grid in the woods?
Don’t forget to share what YOU’re watching by emailing us at mailbag@geekyagogo.com.
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Anthony, what do you call a pig who knows karate? I have no idea. Pork chop, wow. What about. What about? What about? Where do you put all these dogs that are barking? I have no idea.
Speaker 2:In a barking lot. Oh man, you, that's like. You're like scraping the bottom of the dad joke barrel right here. All right, take us home. Take us home. You had three.
Speaker 1:What do you call an exploding monkey? No clue, a ba-boom.
Speaker 2:All right, you ready, I'm ready, let's do it. It's what You're Watching. Oh, I got my wrong intro, damn it.
Speaker 1:I was so proud of myself. It went off real strong. It went off real strong it ended with a fizzle.
Speaker 2:Okay, here we go. It's what You're Watching. Welcome to what You're Watching, presented by Geeky, A Go-Go, a show where we dive into what's currently on our screens. Big screens or little screens, size matters not here, just the quality or lack thereof of our cues. I'm Chris Nitro. Wait a minute. No, I'm not. I'm Anthony Pizzuto, and joining me today in the Go-go is Mr Eric Ho. Eric, what's happening, brother? How you doing?
Speaker 1:I am also Chris Nitro.
Speaker 2:We are Chris Nitro, or Nitro Chris to his friends.
Speaker 1:We're Nitro Chris. Nothing exciting this week. It's been real hot here in New Jersey Lately. I've been trying to break out the grill as much as I can and it's been painful the last few days. So I might take a break over the weekend Because I mean, I think, what with the humidity I think they say today is going to hit like what 105 or something like that, yeah, something like that.
Speaker 2:It's ridiculous outside and do you have like a kiddie pool that you can splash around in?
Speaker 1:I do not, I that you can splash around in, or I do not, I should invest.
Speaker 2:I'm telling you it's a worthwhile investment. It's like 50 bucks for the pool and $500 for the accessories I got to tell you.
Speaker 1:I was at a friend's place yesterday and just to say hi and catch up, and I saw his daughter who is around I want to say maybe three and she's playing water in the backyard and it was so hot she just plopped herself into a bucket. Like she's so small, like she sat down, like her entire body was in a bucket. I just went that is. I guess that works. I guess you don't need to spend any money to buy anything else because that's all she needs. That works, hey, you know't need to spend any money to buy anything else because that's all she needs.
Speaker 2:That works, hey, you know, whatever cools you down right. So, in this past winter you got like all insulation and stuff like that. Does that help with like cooling the house down as well? I think it's supposed to, yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:I do have a room Well, actually the room I'm in right now where AC doesn't really come up. I just don't think we've installed AC up here, so I might need to end up installing AC somewhere on one of these walls, but I don't know. We'll see how bad it gets in the next few weeks. Yeah, no.
Speaker 2:Well, hopefully it starts cooling down just a little bit, and you know, mr Nitro is actually in Ireland right now, so you could just go crash. Nice and cool. It's nice and cool, but he has a big boy swimming pool at his house, so I don't think he locks it either, so we could just First off.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I don't know if he's open yet and I don't want to be the one who does all the work to help him prepare opening it.
Speaker 2:Touche. Touche, touche, yeah Never mind it's like hey, chris, I shocked your pool for you While you were out. We got it ready for your return.
Speaker 1:And doesn't he have someone staying in his house? That would be even weirder. Like I show up, like what is this guy? Oh, that's a pool guy.
Speaker 2:Eric's Pool Company Pool supplies. Take it for a trial run.
Speaker 1:That's all I did. This supplies, Take it for a trout right. That's all I did this week. What about you? What did you do this week? You?
Speaker 2:know, the midweek day off kind of threw off my week. Look, I'm glad that we celebrate Juneteenth and all, but like any holiday that's in the middle of the week, where you start the week, you take a day off and then you finish the week, it just throws me out of whack. But so I'm still kind of like reacclimating to what actually happened this week. But I wasn't traveling, which is nice. Back on the road. Next week I'll be in Corpus Christi, where it's supposed to be pretty brutal, if I've been reading the weather reports correctly.
Speaker 2:But I'll be in Corpus Christi, I'll be in Winnie, texas as well. Houston and then a quick jump over to Jacksonville, florida. So I'm really working on my tan next week.
Speaker 1:Did you just make a Winnie Houston joke in there?
Speaker 2:Oh wow, Completely unintentional. Winnie Houston joke.
Speaker 1:I have a speaking of Winnie Houston RIPp. I have a friend whose birthday, um, I think she was celebrating, and so, basically, winnie houston died on her birthday. Oh, wow and uh. She was, I think, like a gay club like. And then they're like all these like, and all of a sudden everyone just started crying and then she's like what is happening? It's like when he used to die. She's like I will never forget this birthday. Oh my god that is amazing.
Speaker 2:Everyone started crying in the club as the news, or they were already crying, I don't know that is. That is wow, okay, yeah, you'll never uh. She'll never forget that. Uh is that. Did I see you in the news or something? Yes, I was. I was in the news for my day job, oh nice. I was in one of our industry magazines, which was very exciting.
Speaker 2:So I got my picture there and me and my company and my coworkers were featured, and so it's always good to spread the good word of what I'm doing in my day job. One day, eric, we'll be featured in the likes of Variety and Deadline Hollywood and stuff like that about how we're the number one podcasting.
Speaker 1:This is true.
Speaker 2:Look, I dream big, baby, I dream big, it's going to happen.
Speaker 1:We have aspirations.
Speaker 2:That's all you need. That's all you need. That's all you need. I mean, we have a Patreon for goodness sake. We have one paying Patreon? No, we actually have a couple, I think. No, we actually do have a few Patreons. But if you're interested in signing up for our Patreon, head on over to geekygogocom slash. No, I'm sorry, patreoncom slash geekygogo and support the channel. We could use your support. It does cost us money to run this show.
Speaker 2:So, Eric, you were missed last week at the Scotchwood where Chris and I made the executive decision to do an Acolyte series Love it. Yep, so he and I talked about episode three. He's obviously not here because we're all going to be lounging in his pool in a few minutes. But this week we're going to talk about episode four of the Acolyte titled Day. I think it's called just.
Speaker 1:Day which, by the way, before we jump into episode four, because I missed out on episode three, I have feelings that I want to share.
Speaker 2:Oh, please, yes, yes, okay.
Speaker 1:So episode three. Quick, real quick.
Speaker 1:Spark notes of eric's feedback for episode three was uh one, uh witches did not need to sing in english, that was weird, thank, you which I think you guys talked about yes, 100, um, it just threw me off like I'm okay with the witches, I'm okay with the acting, whatever, but it's the singing in english, like even in some other weird, like like dual fates, wasn't even english, like any other language, like it could have been like okay. And then it's like, uh, that's weird. Uh. Number two uh, uh, again the, the, the master torben looked much nicer without the fear. Age appropriate, I believe, was your word. Agree.
Speaker 1:And then number three uh, I might get flack for saying this, but I don't like child actors, like I think in general. I just think that, ah, there were like just moments and episodes like these kids are so annoying. And then I go, yeah, you know, it's really throwing me off, it's a little bit overacting children. And then whatever, I think it's fine, I like how we flashback. It teases a little bit around. Oh, maybe the Jedi was up to no good, because I did want to hear more about what's going on, but no man that was my three major points from episode three, because, oh yeah, I had feelings about it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, I. I think all three of us were on the on the same page. Uh, on, on that one. I agree a hundred percent about the english that that whole musical segment was just very weird. Um, and the lyrics in english maybe. Yeah, if you're right, if, if it was in like Dathomir or-.
Speaker 1:Something chanting, you know chantish? Yeah, exactly, Then it would have been much better, so I'm with you.
Speaker 2:Okay, good, now that we got that out of the way.
Speaker 1:Now we're caught up. Episode four, now episode four okay.
Speaker 2:So just to kind of recap the synopsis of episode four, this is the shortest. From what I've read, this is the shortest episode of a Star Wars show since they started doing Star Wars shows on Disney. It came in at 27 minutes. That's excluding the previously seen on in the end credits. And that makes me sad because I'm really liking this show and I hate the short change nature of the 27 minutes. And we'll get to that in a moment. But this episode just to recap. So we've now fast forwarded back to 16 years later, from episode three and Osha and the Jedi are going to meet up with Kalneka to warn him that May is on her way to take him out and, as the Jedi land in another part of the planet whose name I didn't write down and I don't have it up on my screen right now May, and I think his name is Chimer Chimer, chimer, chimer.
Speaker 1:Chimer, chimer, chimer.
Speaker 2:Thank you, chimer have landed there as well to take out Kalneka, the Wookiee Jedi, and so throughout the episode, we're kind of following them on their own little journey. There's not a huge amount of substance happening, but you are beginning to see a transition from May's desire to be vengeful to switching to reconnecting and focusing her attention on resolving her, or reconnecting with Osha, her sister, who both of them have thought either one have been gone for 16 years. As we get to the end of the show, we arrive at Kalneka's hut or home, which oddly reminds me of the bad robot robot. For some reason I want to put his house and the bad robot robot next to each other, because for some reason I just got a bad robot vibe from it. We get to the house and because we're a week later, we're allowed to do our spoilers. That's the rule of the what you Watch and Show. We come in and we find that Kalneka is dead, sliced open and you go well, who, what happened? Who did it?
Speaker 2:And Sith love happens, where the master named TBD I think he's just called the master now arrives, takes out his saber, all the Jedi arrive, take out their sabers and, as they're about to clash in this ultimate climax of saber slashing in battle. It cuts to the credits. 27 minutes, 27 minute episode. And so yeah, so that was the recap. 27 minutes, 27 minute episode. And so yeah, so that was the recap of this episode.
Speaker 2:So pretty good recap so a couple things that were interesting about this episode. We got some throwbacks from the Clone Wars. We got to see Plo Koon, who was just in the background, which, as it turns out, not Plo Koon, it's not just in the background, which as it turns out not Plo Koon, it's not no way. Really, who is it?
Speaker 1:You racist. It's the same race of alien. Wow, no, because that actually was my reaction. It wasn't Plo Koon, yeah, and I looked it up and I think some official Star Wars account did respond and was like no, no, this is just the same race of alien.
Speaker 2:So that was actually a racist test for the entire Star.
Speaker 1:Wars fan base.
Speaker 2:Thanks, lucasfilm. Wow, way to call us all out.
Speaker 1:Because there was also an appearance by Keanu D Moody and in fact actually him, because it was in the credits.
Speaker 2:So it is Keanu Moody. Okay, all right. All right, I didn't realize. So you're not racist there. So thank you, thank you. So now the interesting thing about Keanu Moody and I'm going to be honest with everyone I literally just finished the episode five minutes before we started recording, because I am a terrible student, I didn't do my homework. Um, if I'm not mistaken, he's the one in the Jedi council, in clone wars or phantom menace, where he makes a I think is a phantom where he makes a comment about the Sith, have been extinct for thousands of years, but this is only 100 years before.
Speaker 2:So did he forget?
Speaker 1:I think it's intentional. No no, I bet this is intentional, because that line was so significant I think it's Phantom that there is no way that they dropped him in here breaking that continuity. So something's about to happen in the Acolyte which I think at the end of it made someone like Kiara Mundine go like, yeah, that was a Sith kind of situation, it's my guess.
Speaker 2:So we're at the halfway point. We have four episodes left, I believe. Do you think speculation time? Do you think, based on what you just said, that the wrap-up of this is going to be the Jedi brush this under the carpet and hide the hell out of it? It never happened this particular incident, whatever that incident ends up being.
Speaker 1:We Prediction time. We Prediction time. Given that, I don't think they hid anything, because, for example, the Ki-Adi-Muni example, as in, if he's already there, he's in a small council of Jedi. There's no point in doing that, I think. I wonder, because we still don't know what acolyte means, like we don't no one's, I don't think, really used that word yet yeah I don't think.
Speaker 1:And if I'm the jedi and I think the set has been gone for thousands of years, let's assume that is still the case. I wonder if they just think that this is a rogue jedi and then someone who wants to be like a bad person, and that at the end of it they just conclude that oh, this is just a former jedi gun rogue kind of situation, not necessarily a sith in whatever definition of that, just a bad jedi, right, I think. Like I wonder if it's that to hold this whole, the sith has been extinct for thousands of years.
Speaker 2:That's an interesting take on it. The only time I've heard the word acolyte used in the Star Wars universe up until now obviously is in the game Star Wars, the Old Republic. It was that big MMO that came out 10, 15 years ago and the characters that you could choose one of them was a I think it was a Sith acolyte. Maybe it was a Jedi acolyte or a Force-sensitive acolyte, but the term acolyte was used there. But that was the first time I'd ever heard it. I mean, I'm still maintaining that plagas is I don't know if this so this master jedi uh, or this master. He's not a jedi, um, he has his stereotypical red bladed saber. First of all, beautiful cosplay, that helmet, that bucket, the helmet.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's a crazy helmet.
Speaker 2:Oh man that is.
Speaker 1:It's better than Kylo Ren's helmet. I mean, that's so cool.
Speaker 2:But did you like see, like how it even almost looks like it has this menacing grin on?
Speaker 1:it. Oh so good, it felt like I've been playing Spider-Man-man uh, the game, oh yeah yeah, it looks very venomous I was like because like the the grin kind of situation. Oh, I was good yeah oh, that's some good cosplay.
Speaker 2:I know we're gonna see a lot of that at san diego and new york comic-con for sure. Um, I'm still convinced that that he's eitheragueis or he's like the start of Plagueis, because if you're looking at the timeline book, I believe Palpatine I don't have it down here, it's upstairs I believe Palpatine is born around this time and he becomes senator like 50 years before the Battle of Yavin.
Speaker 1:Palpatine's very old yeah but this thing is he's not that old, is he? He's still a human.
Speaker 2:Check the timeline, because I feel like it said he was like 100 years old or something like that. Hold on a second. How old, how old, all right, ta-da, hey, all right.
Speaker 1:All right, let's find out how old Palpatine is.
Speaker 2:How old is she? Palpatine, he was born so, oh, interesting, why do I feel like he was the timeline books at 100? It's I forget where, but it's earlier on. It's like in the Rise of the Empire timeline, I believe, or like the timeline right before that one All right?
Speaker 1:well, fine, let's keep going. I can't.
Speaker 2:Yeah, bring that one up, because I'm curious. For some reason, I felt like the timeline book made it seem like he was way older than you would think he was. Because, yeah, he is a humanoid, you know, nabooian.
Speaker 2:Nabooian but yeah, I do believe that the master is Plagueis or has some kind of tie in there and that will be the big reveal. And what would be really awesome is to see a series about the dark side of Palpatine. I mean, we got to see, we got to see him as the Phantom Menace, right, we saw him kind of playing two sides of the coin, so to speak, in the prequel trilogy and that kind of was his story and in essence his and Anakin's story. But it would be really interesting to see a young Sheev Palpatine as he's kind of growing in the ranks of the Nabooian Senate and the Galactic Senate but also like when did he fall into, you know, into the arms of the Sith? What did his training look like? What were those adventures like?
Speaker 1:That would be kind of interesting to see the young Sheev Palpatine Chronicles, you know he is a lot younger, actually older than I expected, because in 52 BBY he was already elected the Senator of the United States. Yeah, right, Okay.
Speaker 2:So I think that's the timeline, if you look further back, it'll say somewhere like around 102, 104, something like that is when he was born. Oh, I don't see that here. Oh, really, I can look it up on mine as well when I get upstairs. But yeah, so if he was, it would be crazy if he's the Andalusian. Yeah, so if it was 52 years before the Battle of Yavin, that means Phantom Menace is approximately, say, 25 years before that, and he's already been in the Senate for a while.
Speaker 1:So Chewbacca was born 200 BB-1.
Speaker 2:Yes, Chewbacca is old, he's old. Yoda was born. What 800, 900?
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, I mean that guy's ancient.
Speaker 2:Do you think we're going to see Yoda in this?
Speaker 1:I don't think so. I think you've got to see yoda in this. I don't think so. I think I think you gotta, you gotta save some of these things right, and I feel like I think there were intentional things that they talked about in this episode that made me think that they're not gonna show yoda, because I thought that vanessa was like already in the council, but it doesn't sound like she is, and I don't think at this point Kiara Mooney is either, because that circle, when they were like we're not going to bring it to the Jedi council, where I go, these are probably just very senior Jedi and I wonder if they're just keeping it at their level before escalating it to management.
Speaker 2:I like it, I dig it, I dig it I think you're onto something there. Well, I'm looking forward to the next episode. I was very disappointed in the 27-minute runtime. I'm very disappointed that there's only eight episodes of this, because I'm still really liking it, but I think, as of now, this episode four was the weakest of them and it was clearly a case of you know, they probably overshot one and had to for the sake of Well so they say that it's short because they shot the two together. Oh, interesting.
Speaker 1:Okay, Four and five are actually one super long long episode Okay got it and then they had to chop it somewhere. Got it and then they chopped it here and I think the next episode is going to be longer. Okay, well, that's good, that's nice.
Speaker 2:But I feel like we're in a world of limited series on Netflix and Prime and things like that that are all at the 45 to 55 minute runtime. Why can't they just do that for the Star Wars series? I think there's enough love in the fandom that they would tolerate an hour-long eight-episode series. Love in the fandom that they would tolerate an hour-long eight episode. You know series, but I don't think any of the episodes in any of the series have maintained a 50 minute plus streak there. There there's some that are wildly inconsistent. We've got 35 minutes here, we got 55 minutes there in the same season of a series. So I just wish they would like you know give us, give it to us give it to us they keep.
Speaker 1:They keep talking about like production value for these things are so hot. Uh, I said, well, first I'm not saying it and then secondly, um, yeah, I think you're right.
Speaker 1:Like why do people just short attention spans, like it is is? Uh, I will say I like the idea of and we got spoiled by this a little bit in the age of streaming of like a show doesn't need to stretch into a predetermined period of time, as in. This's a general statement, right of like, I think if the story is being told, it can either be 25 minutes or it can be like 75 minutes. Right, like we're no longer restricted by like commercials and airtime and all that kind of stuff. That said, I agree with you in that I do think some of these episodes could have been longer. Um, but you know they gotta stretch out to at least eight episodes. Imagine they say it's like that. I do think some of these episodes could have been longer, but you know they got stretched out to at least eight episodes. Imagine if they say it's like four-episode miniseries.
Speaker 2:You'll be like oh, that's it, like, come on, give me more, give me more. Although you know, interesting point though If they had made a two-and-a-half-hour movie would, from an audience perspective not from a business perspective, but from an audience perspective do you think a two and a half hour movie would have, with, you know, 150 million dollar budget, 250 million dollar budget, um, do you think audiences would have appreciated that more? Or a, a, a rushed um, serialized over eight episodes with inconsistent runtimes?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. I think it depends on the kind of story you want to do. I think, like Obi-Wan was supposed to be a movie and then it turned into a TV show and I honestly think that and I'm not in the industry I don't understand how this works, but I wonder if it's more of a. I like how TV shows are used to explore more of characters, backstories, and it feels like if you do mini movies you don't really get that chance because people are sitting one sitting and you want it to go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, like action, action. And I wonder if that's some of the decisions that went into making things like Acoolyte into a show, obi-wan the show, and or into a show kind of, because I could easily see endor turn into like a rogue, one kind of movie, right, um, except not uh, but yeah, I mean tv show budgets are insanely crazy, just like movies, yeah, sometimes more than movies, sure, sure sure.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it'll be interesting to see you know where this goes, what the future of the film releases looks like, but for now, you know, I maintain my three disco balls, or three and a half disco balls for this. I'm still really enjoying it. I like the new territory. I love our antagonist so far, and you don't even know anything about him or her. Actually, I think it would be super cool if it was a woman. That would be fantastic, because we've rarely seen female Sith characters. I mean, we have Asajj Ventress, which was she a Sith? I?
Speaker 1:guess.
Speaker 2:Wasn't she Dooku's acolyte, which we call her an acolyte?
Speaker 1:Yeah, she would be an acolyte.
Speaker 2:Yes, instead of a Padawan, she's an acolyte. Which we call her an acolyte. Yeah, she would be an acolyte. Yes, instead of a Padawan, she's an acolyte. So yeah, but we've not seen a huge amount of female Sith characters, so that would be an interesting kind of twist.
Speaker 1:What do you think of Kaimir? Something's off about that guy.
Speaker 2:You know I was thinking about that in today's episode especially or not today's, but this week's episode like, especially like the goofiness of him, like is which, by the way, I have loved him in every, every scene that he shows up and I go oh yeah that's cool.
Speaker 1:I love this guy. Oh, my god, something's weird with this guy, so I don't know. So that's why I asked what do you think's going on with there?
Speaker 2:there's a darker agenda to him and I think that the kind of altruism that we're seeing and the goofiness and the slapsticky that we're seeing from him is really a look over here type of thing. Like I think he's a lot tighter with the master than we think and I mean how interesting would it be if he was the master than we think. And I mean how interesting would it be if he was the master. Like you know, there's plenty of you know stories out there where you think you're jointly fighting an evil but come to find out it's your Well palpitating. There you go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah exactly, exactly.
Speaker 2:Yep, the Phantom Menace strikes back for the first time.
Speaker 1:There are just too many little things about him. That's giving me pause about the guy. Two episodes ago, when May was confronting him in the alley and he subdued her in like three seconds and I go well, this guy I mean we already saw, she's pretty good, but what is up with this guy and then the fact that he picked up who Osha was oh yeah, before Mei knew that Osha was alive made me go like, uh, and in this episode you're, like he's like what I think I think may ask what is your relationship with the masters or whatever, and he gave some like bs, like like you know he owns me, whatever kind of answer, and I'm like something's really off with this dude. So I'm with you, I think, uh, I think we're, I think we're to see more of this guy other than being tied up in that tree, which I don't think is there anymore. I just don't think is there anymore.
Speaker 2:No, no, he is definitely a Phantom Menace. For sure, for sure.
Speaker 1:And then the music changed. By the way, not the music or the sound or the tone of change when he was upside down in the tree, kind of joking Well, not joking, but was like with me, he's like, let me go, let me go help me out, kind of situation. It means like, uh, you know, giving all these reasons, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. I think she hinted at turning the master into like the jedi or whatever, and which that was nice to see me having like a change of not not change of heart. I. I think that she's like I don't need to kill people anymore, my sister's life, like I don't understand why I'm doing this. And he had this attitude change. When he's upside down, he's like what if he finds out?
Speaker 1:And I go because this is all very fresh in my head, but Palpatine uses the death of Padme to turn Anakin into Darth Vader.
Speaker 2:You know, maybe it's the foretelling of history about to repeat itself 100 years later, but you know, the death of Osha is what is turning her into the Acolyte. And now she's kind of second-guessing these decisions, kind of like we saw a glimpse of when Vader becomes Vader and he's like no she's dead.
Speaker 1:That's interesting.
Speaker 2:Eric, she's dead. That's interesting, Eric. That's interesting.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I think we might need to start a Chimera Watch. That's what.
Speaker 2:I'm saying I like it. Chimera Watch 2024.
Speaker 1:Because we're already halfway through. Unless, we find ourselves in a situation where there's several ways this can happen. One is we do find out who the master is. Two is there is no master. Um, and this whole thing was just like you know, uh a nothing burger yeah uh, but let's assume that there is someone that we found out by the identity behind that venom s-esque Hollywood mask. Like there's no other candidate that I can think of right now, unless they're introducing somebody like a big bad in the next episode, which is possible.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and didn't you just say that? You read somewhere that it was they shot these together and that's why they shrunk this down. So, yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe next episode will be that 60 minute episode where we get a ton of great stuff in there to kind of start pushing us to the end, because we only have four episodes left. So which? Which?
Speaker 1:by the way, talk about another. My biggest bone to pick with this episode is the injustice that's dealt Kel'Naka, which, ever since they started doing the promo for the show, everyone's like ah, like a Wookiee Jedi, we need to see a Wookiee Jedi battle. And then like boom, dude's just like blah. And then I was so pissed I started looking up online and I think generally people are just pissed with this thing as well and I think they mentioned due to budget reason line and then someone I think generally people are just pissed with this thing as well and I think they mentioned due to budget reason they they had originally talked about creating like a huge jedi, like like a wookiee fight, yeah, but they cut it because they couldn't figure it out.
Speaker 2:Wow, really which now is a misdirection, because next episode is about to surprise us with a lot of like what happened, the situation, but I mean, I was under the impression that we were never going to see carrie and moss again, and disney clearly led us astray on that, which I hope you've relished, your five dollars in venmo which I do think that I I have not spent it, because I do think that in the future maybe we do beds where we go toward the geeky gogo fund and then we do.
Speaker 1:I like that we do that it's like a swear jar, you know, I think I have a feeling chris would be a strong supporter of the swear jar this, this, this is true, it's like get out of here, um, but but yeah, I think, uh, those are like kyaonaka to me was it's such a bummer because I hope we get to see something, I hope we get to see what happened, but I don't know. This show feels like there's going to be a lot of flashbacks and hopefully we flash back to an hour earlier.
Speaker 2:Yeah, right, yeah Of like what happened.
Speaker 1:I'm with you, the wound looked fresh, so it's not like you know, oh yeah, it happened for a few days.
Speaker 2:No, it was minutes before. Yeah, uh yeah so any any before we move on to uh, you know our official, what you watch and any final thoughts. Any changes to your rating? I think you were at three and a quarter, something like that.
Speaker 1:Three well, you know, if you asked me last week it would drop to like three because of those children. But then I. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just it was just no good. I'm going to hold it around three and a half. I think that we're beginning to get to the crescendo a little bit, and I would like to see what the next episode is. I mean, what's?
Speaker 2:going to happen.
Speaker 1:They're going to fight him and I don't know. It's a long episode. I don't know what's going to happen.
Speaker 2:Unmask them, see who it is.
Speaker 1:Will they trust Mei? She's in one of those situations where she found herself in an awkward situation of oh my god, like I'm at a dead body and they're gonna think that I killed this person right, yeah, no, that's oh.
Speaker 2:I cannot wait till tuesday. I cannot wait till tuesday. I'll be watching it in 110 degree weather in houston, texas uh. Whitney, houston whitney houston, whitney, houston, I will always love you, alkalite, all right.
Speaker 2:So on to our our normal uh, what you're watching, uh, so we'll just do one each uh, since we talked a lot about yeah, you go first oh me okay, uh, I'm actually watching quite a few things, but the freshest in my mind, uh and I'll talk about this other one next week because it's really good, but I'm only a few episodes and it's called eric on netflix, really good so far is it?
Speaker 2:good. It's, it's dark, it's interesting, um, but I'm at a point in it where it could go really bad or really good, and so I have like three episodes left. So I'm going to finish them this week as well, and we'll talk about it in next week's. What you're watching, but I'm but the first few episodes are pretty good, pretty good, um, so last night, uh, I was looking for a good horror film and on hulu I stumbled upon the first omen. Uh, this is a 2024 film that was actually in the theaters not too long ago, and so I was surprised to actually see it streaming for free on Hulu. But this is the prequel to the 1976, 75 Omen. Oh, so it's called First Omen. It's called the First Omen, yes.
Speaker 1:Yes, and I was going to ask, I go. I thought it was an old movie.
Speaker 2:No, this is new 2024. Yeah, so this is the first Omen. It's called the first omen, the prequel to the omen. The synopsis on IMDb. A young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, but encounters a darkness that causes her to question her faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil. Incarnate. Incarnate um. This was a fun horror film and I don't think you need to be a fan of the omen series to appreciate it, but if you do, like um supernatural thrillers, supernatural horror, religious horror, which I think is the most frightening of horrors ever, because there's Religion is scary, man, religion is scary.
Speaker 1:I went to a Catholic kindergarten, I know oh yeah, yeah, no scary stuff.
Speaker 2:It stars Nell Tiger Free, who I'm not familiar with. She's the main protagonist. Margaret Ralph Innocent is in it. He plays Father Brennan. Ralph Innocent has probably one of the most distinctive Irish British voices out there. He just recently did the voiceover for Final Fantasy 16, 15. Him If you saw his picture, you'd immediately know him from Game of Thrones and any other number of action horror British film. Charles Dance, who is also in Game of Thrones, is in there briefly, who has a phenomenal, phenomenal death scene. This came out April 5th, people, so I'm spoiling it All right, Bill Nighy I never know how to pronounce his last name. He is a phenomenal actor. He's been in everything from Love Actually to Shaun of the Dead. It was a really wonderful movie that came out last year that he was in.
Speaker 2:He plays the cardinal of the orphanage that the main character is in in Rome. So, in essence, this woman she comes from America, she grew up in Catholic orphanages is in Rome to take the vow of the veil to become an official nun, and so she's in between that event and now she's volunteering at the orphanage with the other nuns in training. She's volunteering at the orphanage with the other nuns in training. But you know she's also her roommate, who is also a nun, kind of is trying to get her to let her freak flag fly a little bit. And so, like you know, when the habits come off, like they put on their sexy pumps and their glittery shirts and go to the Rome nightclubs.
Speaker 1:So wrong, oh so wrong, so wrong. Glittery shirts and go to the Rome nightclubs.
Speaker 2:So wrong, oh, so wrong, so wrong, but it all kind of builds into kind of the development of this character and the struggle that this character ends up going through Come to find out the church, and these are always very interesting scenarios. I think the last time I saw this kind of plot line was in the movie Stigmata, where there was a scandal with the church and they were trying to hide a psalm or something like that that said you don't need churches to worship and believe in God. And the Catholic Church was like no, you need churches, you have to come and give us all your money. Such a thing a religious group would do. Anyway, sorry, Clearly I'm jaded against religious groups. Sorry, religious people.
Speaker 1:I believe that that's where the Protestants come from.
Speaker 2:But in this one the plot line of what's going on is it's 1971 and people are leaving the church in droves and that is having a material impact on the finances of the Roman church, the Catholic church and all kinds of things. And so the church feels there's this sect of the Roman church that's not all angels and happiness. There's this sect that is willing to sacrifice their morals through rape and murder to get the church back in order. And so they feel that they found a way to birth the Antichrist and in doing so they can control the Antichrist, create evil and drive more people to come back to the church. So it's a way for them to challenge faith in a very real way. So it's a very dark, dark, underlying mission that the Catholic Church has here.
Speaker 1:What a by the way, it sounds like the Catholic Church has hired some marketers, because this is the kind of things where they go. We're going to do some guerrilla marketing and then maybe people will turn around and find out and maybe I should go back.
Speaker 2:Reverse psychology this thing, this Antichrist, was brought to you by Ogilvy Mathers. So over the course of time and it gets very complicated, but over the course of time there have been these women who this sect has, in essence had raped by a jackal and to give birth to a child, a female child in good health, and there's a period where they're going through these documents. There's scores of them and it comes to find out there's only two out of that, say 40 or 50, that actually came out healthy. One is a girl that's about 15 years old, and the concern from Ralph Innocent, who is now excommunicated from the church, is that this girl is the target and what's going to happen is the Jekyll is going to impregnate her with the official Antichrist, and this girl is a child at the orphanage and so they're trying to protect her. Well, come to find out. There is another, and it's Margaret Margaret, the main character. She's also a child of the Jekyll and she has the mark of 666 hidden in her scalp line somewhere. Hold on.
Speaker 1:This feels like a trope that's been used in quite a few places. Oh, it has been.
Speaker 2:It absolutely has been. There's very few original horror movie ideas out there these days, but it was. So she ends up giving birth to the antichrist and uh, but what was really cool about the ending when, when the child is taken from her and they try to kill her, um, is they actually show. They're like going through the dossier of who they're going to give the child to and they actually show the, the headshot of who the actor in in the omen, the original omen, it was.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Yeah, they need some continuity.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's not Damien omen, there's a lot of omens. Wow, gregory Peck, it was Gregory. I can't believe I forgot Gregory Peck. And so they showed a picture of Gregory Peck and they're like so we're going to give the child. This guy's wife is in labor currently, we're going to swap the babies there and this child is going to he's a diplomat to the United States from, from Rome, and the child's going to grow up in great wealth and care and blah blah. And then that leads us into 1976.
Speaker 1:Yes, 76, the Omen. So that was kind of a cool tie-in. The OCU Omen Cinematic.
Speaker 2:Universe, which is too bad, because they actually rebooted the Omen in 2006 with Lierre Schreiber and Julia Stiles, and that went nowhere.
Speaker 1:Yes, see, this is feeling like the X-Men trying to like X-Men First Class.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, but no, it was a lot of fun uh, very leave. Schreiber is also involved in this oh, I didn't realize that leave schreiber is a phenomenal actor. Um, but the omen, the original. You can't really mess with the original. Uh, this movie is dark. It's fun. It's long, it's about two plus hours. So it's a.
Speaker 1:It's a it's a long one for a horror movie or horror film. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Um, it is. I don't think. I don't know if it's rated R or not. It must be, it has to be R.
Speaker 1:All the Omen movies are R right.
Speaker 2:Uh, it is R yes. Um, it's a. So it is R yes. So a couple things you will see in this film a clawed jackal hand coming out of the vagina of a pregnant woman.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah.
Speaker 2:That was like oh, okay, oh, we're going there, we're going there, we're going there, ok, we're, we're, oh, we're going, we're going there, we're going there. You will see a man literally cut in half, with all of his guts kind of pouring out of him because he's squashed. The walking dead has done to us as a society to be so forgiving with things like that. Yet we still can't show penetrating sex on film without it being an x-rated movie.
Speaker 1:What happened? What's going on?
Speaker 1:I will I will say because I've been watching a lot of like old 80s, 90s movies where there's like an insane amount of nudity that's happening in there and I was curious why they stopped doing that, because those were like pg movies or like our movies where there were like a whole lot of need, yeah and uh, I think some, some folks online were like look, people are being desensitized during that time where, uh, people like the people these days, opt to go violence rather than nudity, and that's why we see a lot more of that these days. But to your point, like I just think that what is okay for us is seeing cinema has stretched so big as a spectrum that we're like, oh god's, falling out.
Speaker 2:But, like you know, sex gross, ah, cover my eyes, oh, but guts falling out of you, okay, that's maybe, maybe, maybe it will swing back.
Speaker 1:Maybe we will see three boob aliens again.
Speaker 2:You know those kind of things that, dear sony, bring back the three boob alien from total recall yes, hashtag three boob alien, um like.
Speaker 1:I mean, I don't like horror films, but I do like this to your point of the religious horror genre situation because I think there's something fun there. There's so much history right, and there's so much story to be told there. Did we talk about the Pope's Exorcist before?
Speaker 2:I don't know if we have talked about it. I don't remember but, did you ever watch that with Russell Crowe? Yes, I did. I saw it in the movie theater. That was a fun movie.
Speaker 1:And that's another. They tried to do a cinematic universe with that thing too.
Speaker 2:Yes, the sequel is. I think you can rent it right now on Prime or something, so I would watch those kind of movies do not enjoy, like the straight up horror, horror movies but mixing a little bit of action, you know, mixing a little bit of, like, science fiction.
Speaker 1:I'll be like okay, okay, I'm, uh, I'm into this thing and though I like and those, the uh.
Speaker 2:I mean, oh sorry, uh, but the uh, the exorcist movie, the um, the pope's exorcist movie. There's also like a dark humor to it too, like a fun dark humor it's, it's. It's dark comedy on top of all the other stuff too.
Speaker 1:So um so I which, by the way, I I don't know if I told I told this.
Speaker 1:I talked about this on the show, but years ago I spoke with someone, um, at the weinstein company this is years and years ago and I think he was like well's CMOs Maybe there's one of their CMOs once upon a time and he was talking about how horror was such a great genre to make sequels in because the production value for horror films relatively is lower than other movies, if they really wanted to.
Speaker 1:And then because you've spent all your money marketing the first movies, movies, people will then just come to see the second, the third, by the way, as long as the story has some sort of continuity and keep on swapping out actors into, like, maybe, cheaper actors, and people will still go back to see those properties. And that's how, by the way, they fund some of their more art house films. Back in the day they built a lot more of like the I think Scream was theirs so like a bunch of those movies where it just keep on cranking out these kind of things and people go and watch them and it makes a lot of money to kind of go fund elders. So I thought that was interesting, why I learned it.
Speaker 2:That is actually. Yeah, I didn't realize that. And Miramax owns tons of IP. They also have the Hellraiser series and they're always like this close to losing the rights to it and then they'll produce a terrible, terrible sequel. I think there's like 10 Hellraiser series right now. In the Hellraiser series but you're right you put together a killer first film that has a protagonist that is super marketable, like Freddy Krueger, like Jason Voorhees, michael Myers, leatherface, like all those the universal monsters of the 80s yeah, then you can create Nightmare on Elm Street 1 through 8 and not do much to sell it because it's been sold 20 plus years ago, 30, 40 years ago. So that's interesting. That's really cool. That's really cool.
Speaker 2:All right, so I will give this, I'll give it a three. I'll give it a solid three. It was entertaining. It wasn't super scary. It was more gross because of some of the gore component. It was more gross because of some of the gore component. It didn't really do anything to kind of advance the genre of religious horror. Horror, yeah, but the concept of the. You know there's a part of the church that's kind of farming girls to be raped by a jackal to produce the Antichrist. That was really. It was a very dark but really interesting kind of path to go down. So I'll give it a three. I'll give it a three.
Speaker 1:You could check by the way, let's do an episode where you walk us through, because I'm like, I'm not a huge horror person and I don't think Chris is either. I would love for an episode where you, like you know, maybe you talk to us about and we can ask you questions around like the maybe like top two, top three horror films in Europe, like you know, and then maybe we can all get into this Love it, love it yes.
Speaker 2:That's our next topic episode the horror movies of our youth.
Speaker 1:I'm going to.
Speaker 2:I'm going to make you horror fans, don't you worry, yeah.
Speaker 1:It's almost like if you were trying to get into horror today. These are the quintessential movies you should be watching, and then we can talk about why when we're all back together.
Speaker 2:That's our next topic episode. Well done, eric, well done, all right. So, eric, what are? Oh, you can watch the first Omen on it's streaming on Hulu. It is rated R. It's an hour and 59 minutes long. All right, eric, what you watching?
Speaker 1:Well, we're kind of running out of time a little bit here. But I will say I didn't watch a lot of really exciting stuff. That's bit here. But I will say, uh, I didn't watch a lot of really exciting stuff.
Speaker 2:That's why I wanted to go first I did uh continue a binge that I've been binging the background uh on youtube of uh these wonderful people who are out in the wild building their own houses.
Speaker 1:All right, and so we can. We can include that link, uh, in in in the in the the website. But, um, I've been following this canadian dude who bought like 30, 40 acres of land and is building like a cabin. Or maybe 100 acre, god I don't know from scratch. He's building like a law cabin, like he's living a tent. Right, he's been doing this all winter, okay, um, his dream is to marry like sophie turner, like there's, like all these weird things.
Speaker 1:I mean she is you want to raise so I mean, and she is single uh so I think he wants to raise like wolfhounds on his property.
Speaker 1:I don't know, dude, but I will end this by saying that and we'll include this like these are the people that deserve to be alive at the end of the world, because it's one of those things where I go what is he doing, like, how is he doing that? And then I mean there, in the beginning I was like this guy's a doofus, you know, just like listening to him talk about Sophie Turner. Like this guy, like it sounds like I think he lives in the wild, yeah, but he's, he does take it, he can't get to a town, like you know, nearby. But god, like that, like the, the, the, the. I mean the ingenuity that goes into building something from scratch, like that I, I would not know how to, how to start. Uh, and I'm sorry, what's the channel called, or is that what?
Speaker 2:you're looking up? Well, yeah, I'm looking at right now. I just know I I don't know how I found it.
Speaker 1:You know how to start and I'm sorry. What's the channel called?
Speaker 2:Or is that what you're looking up?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm looking it up right now.
Speaker 2:I don't know how I found it. Were you searching for Sophie Turner Log Cabin? Were those your keywords?
Speaker 1:That would definitely not be my keyword, I don't know why being targeted by these canadian youtubers? Because, uh, I think I talked about before where I watched, uh, um, this, uh, canadian, like ants, like someone with an ant form, that's canadian. And then, um, I can think, I can't find it. It just pops up. I'm subscribed to it and it shows up every once in a while, so I will share the link.
Speaker 2:After Okay, awesome, thank you, is your Google search filled with like curling references, and that's why they now think you're a Canadian and you just need to be exposed to all this Canadian content Okay, got it.
Speaker 1:It is All right. The channel is oh, there's a new episode that just came out seven hours ago. That's why I can find it. It's called Wild Homestead. Okay, and it's got not a lot of. I mean, it's a decent subscriber he's close to 100,000 subscribers, wow and the tagline for him is I left a big city to build an off-grid homestead on 40 acres of wild wilderness in Canada. Wow, and he only lived in cities, like he lived in toronto, he was in los angeles, I think. He lived in beijing for a while, um, and he just decided to go and build a log cabin and I will say it got real. Exciting like this is why I was binging it, because I haven't watched a few episodes. It's like 20 something episodes. Now, a few episodes ago, his, his, uh, his tent burnt down, oh, and it's one of those things.
Speaker 2:well, oh, snap now where's sophie gonna stay when she comes to visit well?
Speaker 1:the whole point is building a cabin for sophie, uh, but it was some of those things where, like, you feel invested and then, uh, he didn't up. He uploads every Saturday, I think, okay, and I think there were a few Saturdays he didn't upload and everyone's like is he dead? And I'm not on social media? Yeah right. So I went Googling, I was like what happened to James? And then all these people were like, oh yeah, he was posting on social media. I think he got sick and then he had a stomach thing, he had to go to the hospital or whatever, and and he's like I'm back, I'm gonna keep on like, oh, he does, he eats steak and berries and I'm like this is, it's fascinating stuff.
Speaker 1:Let me sit at least, please, and then, uh, we can go take a look at it together so how I I, how many uh disco balls are you giving I? Mean dude this, this is good entertainment. I I don't know. It's a solid three and a half also.
Speaker 2:Three and a half, all right.
Speaker 1:You put it in the background. You put it in the background and you kind of just look over every once in a while and go what is he doing? How is he doing?
Speaker 2:this. That's amazing. Okay, I cannot wait to dive into this. I'm going to do that after we get off this, but thank you for sharing Three and a half stars for James in the Wilderness.
Speaker 2:We will leave the links to this and the shows that we watched today in our show notes. All right, I think I'm going to take us home. What do you think let's do it? Want more Geeky A Go-Go? Well, make sure you're following us on all the socials. At Geeky A Go-Go, Send us what you're watching at mailbag at geekyagogocom and we'll give you a shout-out on the show. That's mailbag at geekyagogocom. Not sure why I stumbled over that one. Want cool stuff. Want to connect with us on a higher level, like on our Discord channel? Head on over to patreoncom, slash geekyagogo and support the show. You'll get awesome swag and other perks. If you haven't done so already, make sure you're following the show on your favorite podcast platform and leave us a review. Thank you so much for listening and I can't say peace out everyone because that's Chris's, so I'm just going to go back to you. Stay geeky Internet.
Speaker 1:Bye, bye-bye.