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Geeky a Go Go
The Acolyte Episode 6 Review this Week on Whatcha' Watchin'!
SPOILER ALERT for The Acolyte Episode 6. You’ve Been Warned!
This week we leave our speculation hats on as we try to unravel the mysteries of Episode 6 of Star Wars: The Acolyte episode 6. The boys dive into the intense split-screen narrative of Osha's inner struggle and Mae’s devious schemes. We passionately debate Qimir’s magnetic influence and the implications of the dyad bond between Osha and Mae and how it ties in with The Rise and Skywalker. With only two episodes left, we ponder the chances of a second season and theorize whether Osha will ultimately become Qimir’s acolyte. And of course, brace yourself for some wild tinfoil hat theories involving Sol’s odd behavior and the potential that Vernestra may be the true mastermind behind the chaos.
Don't miss out on this thrilling discussion filled with anticipation and unexpected twists!
Do you have some tinfoil hat theories you’d like to share? Well send us a line at mailbag@geekyagogo.com and we may share them on a future episode! Until next time… May the force be with you.
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Who did Suraman? Hold on, let me do this correctly. Who did Suraman marry? Who? Surawoman? No, no, okay, okay, no.
Speaker 3:Officially Boo.
Speaker 2:What was Frodo at Aragorn and Arwen's wedding.
Speaker 1:The ring bearer oh yeah yeah, I knew this was going to be there, didn't we? Discuss the rules of jokes last time I knew that was going to be there.
Speaker 2:All right, this one's so stupid I have to say it. How many hobbits does it take to change a light bulb?
Speaker 1:None, because they're too short Okay.
Speaker 2:No, it's not too short, it's none. There are no light bulbs in Middle Earth, Okay all right, these bad jokes are terrible, let's just get the show started.
Speaker 3:It's Whatcha Watchin'. Welcome to Whatcha Watchin', presented by DKGogo, the show where we dive into what's currently on our screens. Big screens or little screens, size matter not here, just the quality or lack of of our cues. I'm chris nitro joining me today in the on location. Go go in the beautiful scotch plains. Scotch wood diner is anthony pazuto, hello you, beautiful people and erico yo gentlemen, how are you?
Speaker 2:excellent, excellent. It has been a. This is like the first official week, I guess of of summer break where the kids have been home, because we ended a little late. No we didn't Plainfield did I feel like oh. Plainfield yeah, plainfield did. You guys didn't Up in the fancy heights, but us the old woman in Plainfield because of our ridiculous school calendar Crooked. Our ridiculous school calendar Crooked.
Speaker 3:Crooked calendar.
Speaker 2:We had a week of like half days, which was our last week.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, it was so stupid, were they trying to?
Speaker 2:make up for some days or something. Yeah, they were making up for their stupid professional development calendar, which is like a half day every month.
Speaker 1:Why can't you just combine that?
Speaker 2:Because we have stupid people running the show over there. Anyway, so last week was the first official week and camp hasn't started yet, so the kids have been home all week. My wife thank God as a teacher so she can find ways to find ways to keep them entertained and active. So they went to different things, like they went hiking and they went to Wonderland, a no, land of imagination.
Speaker 1:Okay, was that it's upstate in.
Speaker 3:New Jersey.
Speaker 2:I don't, I've never been there. It's about an hour north of us, west of us, and it's specifically an amusement park made for kids like under like 10, so like all the rides are like made for like little kids, it's not for big kids, um, and so they did that for the day. It was a lot of fun, uh.
Speaker 2:But yeah, uh, we're looking forward for camp to start, because I will camp home uh, lira is going to a kind of outdoorsy camp where she's going to like spend a lot of time outside and learn about nature and animals and wildlife and all that good stuff Nice. And then Rain will be at his preschool, which also has a summer camp, and so they'll go like do swim club and stuff like that, which will be interesting, because my son, rain, is mortified of swimming, so I'm hoping that this will kind of break him of that.
Speaker 1:He's going to see all these other kids doing it Exactly.
Speaker 2:Exactly Because right now it's interesting because we'll get into our pool and he'll splash around a little bit. But as soon as Lyra gets in and she is a beast in the pool, it just freaks him out. He does not like getting splashed or anything. So yeah, I'm hoping that him seeing his friends.
Speaker 3:We should have you over and jumping the kids with the family.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would be fun, but yeah, other than that, not doing much traveling in the next couple of weeks. So it's nice to be home and taking care of projects around the house. How about you, Eric? What are you going to do?
Speaker 1:Yesterday was July 4th.
Speaker 3:Ah yes, Happy birthday, America. What?
Speaker 1:I forgot to watch Independence Day.
Speaker 2:I might need to remedy that today.
Speaker 1:Not watch watching. Watch what you didn't watch Anyway so lots of cooking, lots of grilling. Booked out the griddle again yesterday.
Speaker 2:Nice, and what?
Speaker 1:did you griddle Burgers? Mm-hmm, I did a hot dog on the side. On my green egg.
Speaker 3:I cooked some corn nice thanks for the invite.
Speaker 2:Sarcasm is the green egg your primary grill, and then you have the griddle next to it, or do you also have another? 4 or 5 burner do you have a kitchen outside?
Speaker 1:at this point it might as well be an outdoor kitchen. Can you build him a sink?
Speaker 3:I know you're good at that. I'm building the sink right now.
Speaker 2:So we can work off of mine, run a line from Chris's house to your house.
Speaker 1:Yeah, do some prep over there before we bring it over. And he broke that out and then cooked. So it was really nice and the weather was great. I mean it wasn't I mean great, as in it wasn't pouring, it was kind of rain, and it got delayed all the way until the evening. So, anyway, that's pretty much all I did. That was to highlight the weird shortened week that we have going on here. What about you, chris?
Speaker 3:Just you know typical work week and whatnot. I had to work yesterday, had to work yesterday, Got home I was exhausted because I was working day shifts all week. I had no energy to do anything. It was just me and the fam.
Speaker 1:Nobody came over. We didn't really do anything.
Speaker 3:Sure, so we just you know Kat cooked inside and we bought. Kat had bought a bunch of fireworks at Costco some time ago when they were on sale. Just a bunch of ground effect, things with sparkly colors. Nothing that really reports up into the sky, but we got rid of all that. Kids had fun watching them and whatnot. Neighbors came over. They had a little girl too.
Speaker 2:Pretty uneventful July 4th. Can I pause on something Sure? Is this like an FCC thing that it reports up into the sky?
Speaker 3:No, that's called reporting. Really, when something shoots up into the sky, it's called reporting.
Speaker 1:Did you know this Nope.
Speaker 2:Okay. So is that like common knowledge? Or is this because you like run the world from your giant tower up there? No, it's like Reports into the sky.
Speaker 3:Or is it a military thing? I think it's a military thing.
Speaker 2:Yes, thank you for your service, by the way.
Speaker 3:Or maybe not even a military, maybe an industry thing. Maybe the fireworks industry says that.
Speaker 2:I have no idea.
Speaker 3:That's a fast. I like that turn of phrase Because technically you're not shooting right. It's reserved for firearms and stuff like that. Oh, so you know it's not blasting off, that's like NASA stuff, that's right. So maybe that is the term. I'm going to start using that term. You have to go to dictionarycom and figure that out for real.
Speaker 1:I reported Anthony across the room.
Speaker 2:Aren't you all glad you just followed this show. All the knowledge you're gaining. Leave us a review.
Speaker 1:We'll kick the sores over here, so yeah, yeah, uneventful, yeah, yeah, nothing really else not working on any projects.
Speaker 3:I mean, like I said, we ordered all the parts of the sink yeah the outdoor sink that we tried to do. Um, I was looking for surprisingly enough, I was looking for, like a stainless steel sink that has like a pretty deep Basin and has a end table to it or something like that. I've seen them before. But everything that I find, unless you're spending north of $800, $1,000, which you're getting restaurant quality stuff I'm like I don't really need this for my backyard.
Speaker 2:Right, you're not Eric O Right.
Speaker 3:All the basins are tiny 15 by 15 inch sinks. I'm like like Eric.
Speaker 3:I'm sure Eric has his problem too is like when you want to clean grates off of your barbecue the words you, you're like doing this, and then you're doing that, and then yeah, I want something that goes in the sink gotcha, so I found a solution where I got a stand, a little like big sink, a deep sink, and then, like I got a kind of like an end stainless steel end table and put next to it. Very nice, which in hindsight is like actually might be a better thing, because then we could always move the table around where we need it.
Speaker 1:You can find a commercial size ones.
Speaker 3:They're really, really expensive, right? So I guess, and I found something, I think altogether the project that cost me less than 500 bucks, which is what I was trying to do, right? So two pieces with all the plumbing and all that stuff less than 500 bucks versus the thousand plus dollars for like a custom thing. Yeah, you know whatever.
Speaker 1:Made by AP.
Speaker 3:Right Made by AP so I can make my own things. So yeah, that's pretty much it. Nice man, let's head right into what you're watching. Sure as everyone knows, the last few weeks we've been discussing doing episode recaps of the Acolyte. So, Anthony, why don't you kick us off on?
Speaker 2:episode six. Well, thank you, chris, nitro, nitro, chris, acolyte. Episode six, titled Teach Corrupt, hit the air this past Tuesday, july 2nd, and again, this is a direct connect to episode five. No time has passed, we're just picking up where we left off. As always, there are spoilers ahead, so if it's not your bag, then jump ahead about 10 or so minutes to the normal what you Watchin' episode Alright. Episode 5 ended with Kymer lurking over a confused Osha and May heading off with a confused soul. Episode 6 is kind of a split screen in essence, showing Osha battling her inner dark side under the dreamy convictions of keimer.
Speaker 1:Come on oh yeah, oh yeah. Those arms, those arms. There's trap. Keimer, this episode, keimer is straight up. Yeah, keimer is a daddy he is a.
Speaker 2:He is a. What was uh, pedro pascal? Is that zadzy, is that zaddy? He's a zaddy, they're all daddies, just so you all know. We are married to women. We are cisgendered, heterosexual men.
Speaker 1:This is good to admire some. I mean hot damn, I need to go back and look at this actor's other stuff.
Speaker 2:We are going to get a whole new audience out of this episode, all right. So while May is trying to pull the wool over Saul's eyes, trying to get him to reveal to the audience what actually happened on Brendock that led May on her Jedi murder spree More like the most boring tennis match, where we watch the ball go slowly back and forth over the net without a lot of oaks and ox this was a bit of a slowdown episode coming off the wild lightsaber battle of episode five. So instead of doing a full kind of play-by-play recap and putting you all to sleep, I just want to toss it over to the group, mostly because I'm lazy and I didn't write the full recap, but also because I think there's a lot to talk about within this episode. So my first question after seeing this episode again, there might be spoilers ahead, so jump ahead if you'd like.
Speaker 2:We see the dyad, that is, osha and Mei, and the dyad is a term that was presented to us in Rise of Skywalker, which is to force users who are so strong in connection they can connect to each other over light years of space and time. We start seeing this flip between Osha. Yeah, you notice that too. Huh, yeah, right, you know. So Osha is spending time with Chim chimera and he is in his zaddy glory um playing it very cool with her and you're gonna join me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, that's exactly the kind of vibe that you get because like, look he, he knows may is lost at this point because may kind of threw him under the bus, but she still has her vendetta against the Jedi.
Speaker 1:And whose clothes were those? By the way, are those Mace clothes that Osha ended up finding?
Speaker 2:Oh, that's yeah, interesting, interesting, a little technical, I would think so yeah.
Speaker 2:Because with like the knife too, and they both had the same knife and they both pulled the knife out on the person that they were tracking. So again that kind of dyadic thing. But do we think so? We have two episodes left. It's only eight episodes. We're on episode six. Do you think at this point we're going to see a second season because there's more story to tell? Are they going to wrap it up? And in either case, do you think that we're going to see OSHA move to be Chimera's acolyte? Do you think that's what they're setting us up for, or is this kind?
Speaker 2:of misdirection from our friends at Disney.
Speaker 3:So for your more seasons question, I don't know right.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 3:The review bombing. I would hope that Lucasfilm and Disney can see past the review bombing.
Speaker 1:They did start talking about how the streaming data is showing. This is like the second most streamed, I think, show.
Speaker 3:Okay, that's great.
Speaker 2:For them.
Speaker 1:I think Something like that. I may be making things up.
Speaker 3:So numbers don't lie right. We know people that do that in the industry. So I hope they, like I said, I hope they see past it and I'm sure they do. But we've seen fantastic shows just get canceled for budgetary reasons.
Speaker 3:We've seen, you know, just like maybe talent disagreements, whatever the case might be. So I will personally will not say definitively there will be a season two. I think they can set up a season two and they have already, in my opinion, given that we have two episodes left, eight episodes, so we're on six. I don't think they could finish the storyline in two episodes, right, they could put somewhat of a cap on it to just round it out, which I'm sure they did already, because obviously those things are already filmed. But in terms of wanting to continue it, who knows, we've seen more successful shows get canned than this. What was the second question? Again, remind us.
Speaker 2:Will Osha turn to the dark side and be Chimera's new acolyte?
Speaker 3:I think the door's open for that. What we see in this episode is the curiosity. We've already seen her kind of like make a decision and say you know what? I'm walking away from all of this. So the putting on of make a decision and say you know what I'm walking away from all of this. So the putting on of the helmet is just like well what is?
Speaker 3:it like in there. He did say I put this on to get away from the outside world or whatever. So maybe she's like you know what? I need time to myself to make some decisions. So that's how the episode ends.
Speaker 1:I don't know, yeah, right, what do you think, Eric yeah. I don't. I have zero clue.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, no, no.
Speaker 1:I feel like if they do like a second season, it might be other stories.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Rather than continuing this story itself. Sure, yeah, possibly, and maybe they can do one of those Mandalorian thing where in the end it becomes like a Mandoverse situation. Sure, but I don't know. I actually do think that they're going to be able to wrap things up in the next two. I feel like this show has actually been fairly fast-paced.
Speaker 2:You know, to that point, like most of these episodes are, in that when you look at the run time removing everything else, they're like 25 to maybe 28 minutes. This could have been a movie and, to be honest with you, probably would have been better as a movie, um, because it's been just such a, I mean, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it, but it's been a slow rise. You had your climax in episode five. You know, now we're kind of doing the, the, the build up to a potential second season, um, but, like, with the run times so short and only added episodes, there was no reason this couldn't have been.
Speaker 1:But here's the thing, though here's the thing, though I was thinking about this on the drive here we haven't had this much guessing game that we've had for like a show in a while, like ahsoka, uh, indoor, like all those are following like a, I think, fairly, I don't want to say predictable, but like there's a storyline you can kind of follow along, whereas this one, I feel like every week, we're kind of like what do you think? Like yeah, and and that comes with like a show stand status versus like a movie situation that that's fair.
Speaker 3:I mean to your point all those other shorts. They have to fit in the timeline right, there's only so much they could do. I mean granted like-.
Speaker 1:Like what happened at the end of Rogue One. We got Rogue.
Speaker 3:One out of one sentence right.
Speaker 3:Like, literally, a sentence was written and now we got an entire movie out of it. So, yes, but even so, there's still that constraint of like we can't do this, we can't do that, we can't go into these other things when Acolyte is literally the sky's the limit, because it's a hundred years, nothing has been written. It's after the High Republic, it's before the Phantom Menace. So I mean to Eric's point, I think there is plenty of room for a different type of storyline in the same time frame. Everything remains to be seen.
Speaker 2:Love. That I'm hoping, I really hope that either Chimera or Osha or May are Plagueis.
Speaker 2:And I hope we get to see a young 20-year-old, 25-year-old, palpatine, who's starting out his political career. I mean, obviously you're going to have to fast forward because this takes place 20 years before Palpatine was born. But it'd be fun to kind of see that, or maybe not just see. But we'd be fun to kind of see that, or maybe not Just see. But we had that to your point about Rogue One. It was about one sentence in the crawl. You know, plagueis is literally one minute and a half story in.
Speaker 1:In Opera House. Well, in the Opera House, what was the? The Senate, the.
Speaker 2:Attack of the Clones, not Attack of the Clones. The third one Revenge of the Sith. Revenge of the Sith, you know, and with such a success with Rogue One, now Andor, it would be really interesting to make you know.
Speaker 1:Start telling the Plagueis story you know, I don't think they're going to do that you don't think so. I think this is all misdirection, because they want the fans to start thinking about Plagueis and all that kind of stuff.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean very loudly. We've heard people say we want that timeline, we want the old Republic brought back.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just don't think this is it, because I get the sense that, especially this episode, I'm beginning to get the sense that especially this episode? Yeah, I'm beginning to get the sense that he's not exactly a sith oh interesting.
Speaker 1:Okay, I don't think he's a sith, yeah, I think he. I think he's. He's one of those, like you know, kind of like in harry potter, like kid who wandered into like the forbidden, like like whatever part of the library and learn about it and just go, like you know what I want to be, that okay, and I like that philosophy and I going to go for it, but not in a traditional sense of he had this right, like the rule two of like there's actually maybe Plagueis is actually doing something else elsewhere and this just happened to be another person who is a quote, unquote, one of those what's the guy? One of the guys who's like guy, who's like Maul, who's like a fallen Jedi? Yeah, I think that might be it.
Speaker 2:That's interesting.
Speaker 1:That's a very it really could be, because all the fans are setting themselves up to go. This is the origin story of Plagueis. Right, we're right. I don't think they're going to go there.
Speaker 3:I gotcha. I think I disagree a little bit in that there's a tiny bit of a spoiler. If my thought process is correct, we see him heal Mei right, or was it Osha?
Speaker 2:Osha.
Speaker 3:He heals Osha right. So we have the whole story about Darth Plagueis and the lies and blah blah blah, bringing people back from the dead. So it's like is this the very early on where he's learning to mess with lives?
Speaker 1:Yeah, but force healing is not a new concept.
Speaker 3:It's not a new concept in that we saw in Rey.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 3:It's a new concept, and now it's before Rey's timeline.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but Rey wasn't a Sith.
Speaker 3:Right, so that's what I'm getting at. He learns to do basic healing, and then how do we get back to?
Speaker 2:he brings people back in the bed but wasn't the dyad part of the need to go for the force healing like didn't? Isn't that because of Ray and Kylo Ren's, they were strong enough to be able to do force healing? Because, like Luke didn't have it, it's that kiss.
Speaker 1:you know, it's that kiss.
Speaker 3:I mean, you have that, the other way.
Speaker 1:Healing to that kiss. Yeah, kylo brings.
Speaker 3:Rey back to life. Sexual healing.
Speaker 2:Kylo bring. I thought Rey brought Kylo back to life On the Death Star.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I don't remember.
Speaker 2:You blocked it out.
Speaker 1:You blocked it out. Yeah, he died, and then she.
Speaker 2:That was like the only good scene in that movie. What? No, that's not true.
Speaker 3:All of a sudden the troopers battling, and then the space horses Come on.
Speaker 2:Space horse man that moment on the Death Star on the other Endor moon, where Han Solo appears talking to Kylo Ren. Such a good that's like the best scene in the entire thing.
Speaker 3:Anyway, anyway, sorry, that was my point. Is that like to your point about? Oh, he's just learning, you know, he read it in a book somewhere and he's practicing all this stuff. Maybe he gets to the point where, like he can transfer force and yeah, but that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:But like in in legends, if we go down this legends route like we can, they've been bringing lots of Plague. His head master.
Speaker 3:Yep.
Speaker 2:Okay. So so you think he's discovered some knowledge and he's trying to bring it to Correct. I think he has a. He had a master and he was the apprentice.
Speaker 1:He had a Sith Master.
Speaker 2:He had a Sith Master. He was the apprentice. He's taken out his master and now he's looking for his. Because you need the two. You need the master or the one with the power, and someone to crave the power.
Speaker 1:I do think that he dropped a line that I thought was very interesting. He said he's been alive for a very, very long time. Yeah, oh, sorry, he didn't say that by saying that he was a. He was a Jedi long, long ago. So I think at this point so really matters some arts, where you can live for a long time.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean, he looks human, right, but we don't know that he's human.
Speaker 1:Correct.
Speaker 3:I mean, look at Vernestra, how old is she now, at this point?
Speaker 1:Well, she's humanoid.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 3:I think you hit something there.
Speaker 1:You have a point? Yeah, we're not racist by calling him human, unlike this guy over here.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, All right, so moving on. So I'll just talk about Kylo Ren, though, the last two episodes. At the very end, at least at the end, before going into the credits of episode five, they played a little bit of Kylo Ren's theme song.
Speaker 1:Did they?
Speaker 2:They did yes, and then in the credits of episode six they played a little bit of the Kylo Ren theme song as well. Seeing the design of Chimera's helmet and costume in general and the speculation that he might not necessarily be Sith, do you think this could be the start of the Knights of Ren Talking about misdirection? We're all thinking it's a Sith thing. Maybe it's not a Sith thing.
Speaker 1:Maybe it's a Knights of Ren Talking about misdirection we're all thinking it's a Sith thing.
Speaker 2:Maybe it's not a Sith thing, maybe it's a Knights of Ren thing.
Speaker 1:We know nothing about them really. They introduced them and then immediately nerfed them.
Speaker 2:Exactly so maybe they're trying to nerf the nerf.
Speaker 1:Maybe that's cool.
Speaker 2:Could be interesting. I mean, the music of the saga has been very purposeful.
Speaker 1:Which, by the way, is that why he's called Kylo Ren? I don't know why he's called Kylo Ren.
Speaker 2:Do we know the names of the other ones? Are they all Rens as well?
Speaker 3:Like Bobby Ren, I think they're in an encyclopedia somewhere, but I don't know for sure Tommy Ren, ralph Ren. They're all boy band Low Wren.
Speaker 2:Low.
Speaker 1:Wren. So that could be an interesting kind of pivot, helen May Wren.
Speaker 2:Oh, my God.
Speaker 3:One thing I did want to mention and I mentioned it last episode. I was sure that Saul knew.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:That we saw very weird behavior for a Jedi. He hugged her.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Right. So I think he was messing with her the entire time, pretending like he didn't know. And then he's doing all these weird things and she's like what's going on?
Speaker 1:Or is he just an emotional dude?
Speaker 3:Or a terrible actor, no.
Speaker 1:No, no, I think it's pretty good. I think it was all purposeful.
Speaker 3:I think he was messing with her the entire time she was on the ship. He knew that she was walking up on him to stab him in the back or whatever. He knew all that stuff was going on. We're just testing her to see how far she would To reveal herself think.
Speaker 1:So that's the thing, right. Like he did some few things that are very, um, unexplainable, this episode, behavior wise. So, like the hug caught me, I think too, I just go, it's just like emotional dude. And then this whole like when they say, hey, we're coming to get you, he shut off his transmitter and I don't know. There's something going on over here. That's a little strange, which leads to the thing I was telling you about, right, right, I don't. I think like it's so weird that when Venetra and those Jedi landed on Kovar and he's like, oh, a powerful Jedi must have done this, like she didn't dispute it at all, like it's almost like she wants us to think that he's like, oh, a powerful Jedi must have done this, like she didn't dispute it at all. Like it's almost like she wants us to think that he's the bad guy, like there's something weird about how they're positioning Sol, and I hope that we finally get to hear the full story, because he's been trying to tell the story for six episodes at this point, right it might be an mh chamelon thing at the end, where we like we get to episode eight and he just starts like and this and this and this yeah, this and everyone's like oh, right in front of our faces the whole time I think I see dead people all the time
Speaker 2:everyone's been dead this entire series. It's all in kylo.
Speaker 1:I will say, though, I will say though I was talking to Pazudo about this when we were walking in, I have a whole theory about the true villain of this entire show, and it is not Sol, it is not Kyrie, it is Venestra.
Speaker 3:It's a possibility.
Speaker 1:Like point being. She has had so little like scenes really, but yet it's somewhat important throughout. She's kind of weird. This episode really threw me onto this trail because she's been too weird about this whole situation. She intentionally sent him there. There's just this whole thing of something's off with this person and then my theory was they showed her whip and then Kaimere's back. My theory this is getting to like Tim Foyer hat theory. Now, kaimere was Venetia's padawan Years ago and actually because I couldn't't hold night, I couldn't get the math right. But maybe he's figuring out this whole longevity thing like maybe he knew so as a Padawan.
Speaker 1:And when he keep talking about a master tossing him aside, it's Vanessa who tossed him aside, right, and she's trying to do a cover-up possibly and maybe on the more that we're going down this road maybe so is cut off the transmission because he knew she's bad and he's like we got a like I can't have her be here and that's why he's like zoomed away right away.
Speaker 2:All right, tinfoil hat theory. We're never gonna get to what you're watching. By the way, you just made me think of something, so I'm with you that one of them has been his master at one point. He's been around for a long time and in episode four, he almost makes you think that soul was his master? But doesn't recognize soul doesn't recognize him. Fast-forwarding back into the Disney verse, episode 9, rise of Skywalker, palpatine wants to transfer himself his spirit into Rey, to be the next.
Speaker 1:Empress of the.
Speaker 2:Empire. Is it possible that? Plagueis or whomever he is this body that he's in this perfect body.
Speaker 3:So good, so good.
Speaker 2:Is actually just a vessel for a force that's been around for a long time, I think that's too much for a TV show you think so yeah, it's too much for a TV show. Should we bet $5 on it?
Speaker 1:It's got to be the same $5 that goes back and forth. But no, there's some interesting.
Speaker 2:Tinfoil hat theories. Here I just feel like I have to say, like of all episodes, this episode even though it's like a slower episode like stressed me out a little bit, Because the way they keep jumping between, like the different things and you're like what does any of?
Speaker 1:this mean.
Speaker 2:Like what's happening here. Yeah, there was a lot of head-scratching in this episode trying to figure out what's up. I can't wait till they all come out and then I'm gonna watch them again, just back to back to back to back Any tinfoil hat theories no.
Speaker 1:They have to get to a recap somehow.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I mean like next episode, right, and that's why I said it might be in episode eight, we might have an M Night Shyamalan experience where it's like do, do, do, do, do, oh crap, oh wow.
Speaker 1:Do they have the episodes ready for these, the upcoming episodes? Let's see, I was trying to look it up.
Speaker 3:The one thing I don't understand is like I did see a couple of people knock the lightsaber with who cares, you will complain about everything. This is what I'm doing on social with who cares, you will complain about everything.
Speaker 2:This is what happened on social media.
Speaker 3:Who cares?
Speaker 2:All it says is running time 35 to 43 minutes. Yeah, this works Runtime. Runtime for episodes one through four.
Speaker 1:Oh, here we go.
Speaker 2:The runtimes for each episode and how many are there. So episodes one through four were 41 minutes. I just wanted to avoid that. No, that's not true. Well, 36, 42. The finale of Book of Boba Fett was 62 minutes long.
Speaker 1:I wonder if that includes Maybe they want a longer finale, maybe.
Speaker 2:I wonder if that includes the credits of these series are also like, because they also have like the entire credits for the foreign language versions. Oh yes, so it like doubles and triples the time I don't have that time, because usually, like, the background goes away and the plot changes. No, no, no. But in the actual runtime, yeah, it says 30.
Speaker 1:Oh, you're an actor, you tell us. Does it count as runtime?
Speaker 2:No, Not that junk at the back but the actual runtime.
Speaker 3:What you see on the bar on the bottom includes that credit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, and so that's like 37 minutes, but the actual runtime.
Speaker 2:Oh, yes, it does. So if a movie says it's an hour and 34 minutes minutes, that's from the overture to the end of the credits yeah, so the actual play time of the content could be if it's an hour and 34 minutes. I'm saying that because I might. What you're watching is an hour and 34 minutes. You know. The actual film itself is probably 120 minutes. Nice weekend Depending on the length of it. Where was I?
Speaker 1:Oh God, wait, Damn, it's gone. Oh, we were talking about all the run times together. I grabbed it for you.
Speaker 2:I forget. What are your tin hat theories on the Acolyte? Let us know at mailbag at geekygogocom, and we will reveal them on an upcoming episode Coming. We're going to find out in a few days, so that's right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly. See, this is what I'm talking about, guys. Like, this show has been like guessing-able. Yes, it has been guessing-able, yes, it has been.
Speaker 2:It's wonderful. If you want to continue the conversation, well, join our Patreon at patreoncom. Slash geekyagogo and you can hop into our Discord and nerd out all day long on theories, recaps, spoilers, whatever you'd like about the Acolyte.
Speaker 1:Alright, you want to take us home? Nitro Sure.
Speaker 3:I'll take us out. Do want to take us home.
Speaker 2:Nitro Sure.
Speaker 3:I'll take us out. Do you want more Geeky A Go-Go? Well, make sure you're following us on all the socials at Geeky A Go-Go and share with us what you're watching. Want cool stuff? Want to connect with us on a higher level, like on our Discord channel? Head on over to patreoncom, slash geekyagogo and support the show. You'll get awesome swag and other perks. If you haven't done so already, make sure you're following the show on your favorite podcast platform and leave us a review. Thanks so much for listening. Peace out everybody.
Speaker 2:Bye.
Speaker 3:Bye, bye-bye Baboo.
Speaker 1:Bye.