Geeky a Go Go
Geeky a Go Go
The Acolyte Finale Review, Plus Twisters and The Devils Bath!
Spoilers for The Acolyte Season Finale Ahead – You’ve Been Warned
Did the season finale of Star Wars: The Acolyte leave you with more questions than answers? Well, you’re not alone. Today the boys unravel the cliffhangers and revelations that has everyone talking as well as some discussion on the future of the series.
The geeks also share their thoughts and disco ball ratings for the films Twisters and The Devil’s Bath.
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What do you call an Italian suppository, an innuendo? No, oh, eric Eric.
Speaker 3:Anthony. The Italian delegation in Maine.
Speaker 1:The Italian of Maine. Yes, why did the mafioso cross the road?
Speaker 2:Forget about it.
Speaker 3:I'm just picturing Pizzuto's mic level.
Speaker 1:just go we're spiking, we're spiking, we're spiking, we're spiking wasn't it?
Speaker 2:did you guys ever see that office episode where, um, I think, uh, I think jim was pretending to be like the german police or something and when dwight's must be, just slapped him?
Speaker 1:what was that? It's uh, knock, knock. Oh yeah, that's right Alright go for it. Knock, knock, who's there? Kgb, I don't need to ask you questions.
Speaker 3:It's what you're watching. Welcome to what you're watching. Presented by geeky, a go-go, a show where we dive into what's currently on our screens. Big screens or little screens, size matter not here, just the quality or lack thereof of our cues. I'm chris. This week we're concluding our review recap of the Acolyte, whose season and possibly series finale, aired this past week. Ap took a bath with a demon in the devil's bath and Eric and I spun things up and wrangled some twisters. Anthony, take it away.
Speaker 1:That was quite the intro, nitro. I loved it. Alright, folks, spoilers ahead, so skip ahead about 15 minutes. If you haven't watched episode eight of the Acolyte, you have been officially warned. The series I mean season finale of the Acolyte aired July 16th and, contrary to what we shared in last week's episode, the finale did not tie everything up with a nice bow, and I mean we accepted some cliffhangers. It is a Star Wars, after all. We shared in last week's episode, the finale did not tie everything up with a nice bow and I mean we accepted some cliffhangers. It is a Star Wars, after all, but this episode left me wanting so much more because absolutely nothing was resolved. However, we did get to see some really cool things.
Speaker 1:Episode eight picks up where episode six left off, with Sol and May circling Rendok while Osha and Chimere are gazing lovingly into each other's eyes discussing the pros and cons of a potential training opportunity, while Darth Plagueis eerily watches in the distance.
Speaker 1:We see Sol die by the hands of Osha, fulfilling the requirement to kill without a lightsaber, and we get to see a big ol' cover-up from Venestra blaming everything on the dearly departed Sol. My take is that this episode left more questions on the table than answers, which is a bold move, considering it still hasn't been renewed as of this recording, which is Sunday, july 21st, at 1122 AM Eastern Time. We did learn a few things, though, like Venestra confirming she was Chimera's former Jedi Master and has no qualms about blaming the scandal of a Jedi murder spree on Sol. We got to see a kyber bleeding on screen for the first time, which was awesome, and finally we got a glimpse of Darth Plagueis. Unfortunately, we were wrong about it being Chimera, but still it's nice to see Darth Plagueis the wise for the first time on screen, and I hope we get more of his story in future series or seasons. So, eric, thoughts on the finale.
Speaker 2:Oh man, they introduce all these new things and we got a really nice another really nice fight, which I appreciate. It's always cool to see the lightsaber, like the whole you mentioned like the bleeding of the lightsaber. We've never seen that uh life um, which is awesome. So I think there are cool things like that, that kind of hidden throughout. But you know, of all the episodes that we've seen so far, I just feel like maybe it's the pacing, maybe it's the editing, maybe they're like rushing to kind of wrap things up, this episode just feels so rushed uh and so uh piecemeal. That makes me kind of annoyed. And you know, in the end I understand they're trying to set up for like a season two, hopefully, and I think that the fans are now asking for a season two. But you know, generally I think my takeaway was cool lightsaber fight. Wish there were more stories resolved, I think my takeaway was cool lightsaber fight.
Speaker 1:Wish there were more stories resolved. So so Saul, let's go back to Saul. Very popular character survived the entire series.
Speaker 2:Did you see that coming at all? Yeah, yeah, I mean, I figured, I figured, I figured some of these folks are going to have to die in you at the beginning of the show because there's just too many people alive to contain, almost like, this whole conspiracy story theory, right, uh? And so I mean, where would have saul have been by the time of phantom menace? If you know, this is close to that, and well, we haven't heard about him. He probably would have been dead.
Speaker 1:It was 100 years beforehand. Unless he's like one of those jedi that get really old, he probably would have been dead. It was a hundred years beforehand, unless he's like one of those Jedi that get really old.
Speaker 2:But we would have heard stories, right, like we've heard, like Darth Plagueis' story, we heard that Qui-Gon has a bit of a rebellious streak and then, like you know, all these kind of things, and we would have heard Something about Sol, I think, but yeah, nothing, and I kind of expected somebody has died and I guess he died. Yeah, um, which would be a bummer if there's a season two, because I wonder where that story is gonna go with the season two yeah, a lot of question marks coming out of, uh, season one.
Speaker 1:Uh, chris, this episode kind of relied a lot on Venestra to kind of take the load, so to speak, for the first time in eight episodes. To be honest with you, I mean she's had minor appearances in the other episodes. What did you think of her role in all of this? You know, in terms of her cover up, her approach, the possible jaw drop that she was Chimera's master, former master. Thoughts on that.
Speaker 3:I think it was Eric that actually suspected that, that he thought Chimera's master was Vernestra at some point. And I saw it and I was like, oh yeah, look, it happened. I'm not with so many people dying and vernestra being a known character, if for, for those, the people that have read the high republic um, it seemed like it was going to pivot towards her more. Um, because it wasn't. This is like, obviously this is her first on-screen appearance, so it was like why isn't the story more focused on her, since she's a known character? And and it, when she did come on screen, it didn't seem like a? Um, what's the? What's the word? Um, not a I'm forgetting the word where they just make an appearance, right, a, cameo, cameo, there you go. It didn't seem like that. When she did appear, right, it seemed like she was going to be more involved, and then she wasn't. So it was like this weird thing. It was like we got to fill the story in a little bit and then we'll bring her back, and so this last episode we have an introduction of many new characters, right, like, kind of like that pivot towards her, as I said, and then, you know, we see, at the very end, you know, everyone was waiting for this because we all knew Yoda was alive at the time. So we see Yoda at the very end of the episode and it's like, okay, what's going on here? And I kind of mentioned it our last episode. There's way too many things going on to put a bow on this in one episode. Right, and it still was a typical timeframe. Right, it wasn't like an hour long, I think, it was like 40 minutes long or something like that, with including the credits. So, typical timeframe for an Acolyte episode. Time frame for an acolyte episode um, it's like I just said, way too much stuff.
Speaker 3:Uh, I'm also surprised that we haven't had an announcement. However, I did predict that they may announce this, uh, at d23, you know. Uh, just under three weeks away. Um, a little odd, you know, I don't, I, I don't. I can't recall any show on disney plus saying, oh, already renewed. Um, I just finished watching, uh, avatar the last airbender, uh, the live action one on netflix and it already says, you know, renewed for season two and three. But I don't see disney plus doing that at all, or I haven't seen it. Yeah, there's a lot of questions here. Right, the introduction of the, you know the chancellor or whatever senator person. He was Darth Plagueis, as everyone is suspecting. I don't again. I haven't seen it. Maybe it's out there, but I have not seen a Star Wars source saying that was Darth Plagueis.
Speaker 1:It's not in the credits, it's been confirmed by the showrunner, Leslie Hedlund, that it is Darth Plagueis. So there you go.
Speaker 3:I was very skeptical up to that point because I was like it's someone in the shadows we don't know, we don't see enough detail. Someone in the shadows, we don't know, we don't see enough detail. I got Kalish or Kalish vibes, which is what General Grievous is, that species. They're known to wear masks but they don't always wear masks. But they had you know the eye, you know the cat eye kind of look and stuff like that. I was like that's the vibes that I got, but now you're conferring with me that it is him or they, I don't know what we're going to see out of that?
Speaker 2:Chris thought it was.
Speaker 1:Chimera's grandma hiding in the shadow when you're coming back for dinner. It's Italians in Star Wars. Sorry, nona, I'm trying to convince someone to be my acolyte.
Speaker 2:Bring her home. Have lots of children.
Speaker 3:I mean, yeah, like I said, it's way too much new stuff happened in the last episode for them to be like, yeah, series over, which is possible? Right, it is possible to be like you know what? We're going to ask this because we've already seen them do it in solo right. They completely set up solo for a sequel Right and nothing. So, fingers crossed, I don't know if we get to disco balls. Maybe there's more questions to be asked.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what do you think, Anthony?
Speaker 1:Well, no, I just I left it angry and annoyed. So I mean, I have nothing additional to add to that. The mind wipe of May why that left me a big question mark and maybe I hiccuped during a plot point that was spoken and I missed it. But what were your thoughts on the mind wipe? Was it necessary? I need someone to explain this to me as to why she got mind wiped. I just do not understand that at all. Outside of showing a new Jedi trick or a new Force trick jedi trick or a new force.
Speaker 3:She so we see that may completely recognizes that osha is evil now, right, quote-unquote evil. There's scales here, right, because we're now we're, we're 100 in the realm of gray jedi, um, so she sees that she's turned towards the dark side let's put it that way yeah, and, but she's still. She's come back and feels that connection with her sister. Now, right, so she wants to protect her. And so she, as she says one of the lines. She says, she's like well, they'll use me to find you and, as they discovered, it's like they are the same exact person. They're like, yeah, they're, use me to find you and, as they discovered, it's like they are the same exact person. They're like they're clones, so to speak, for lack of a better term. So she said you, you have to wipe my mind in order to you know, knock the, knock the trail off completely. So that's why that was done it's not gonna hold.
Speaker 2:We know it's not gonna hold and that's that.
Speaker 3:It's not gonna. It's not gonna hold right something, something's gonna happen. The memory's gonna be brought back. Yeah, it's, it's, it's. It was a moot point. It's like look, a fancy trick, that's not gonna stick around I also really disliked why they needed to do the whole.
Speaker 2:like the whole Chimera and Chimera's personality changed for me quite a bit this episode and then took a bit of a journey and I don't understand. Yeah, we're training together and all that, but now they're holding hands and like what the hell is going on. And I'm reading somewhere where they filmed actually a kiss, oh really, but then they chopped it because it didn't work out, whatever kind of situation, and I just I don't understand what any of that has to happen. And it sure fell real quick, uh, for osha to have gone through that transformation and now it's buddy, buddy with, like chimerion about to have lots of four children, and so it's, uh, I, I don't, don't understand that progression at all. There was no development that led me to believe that that was going to happen. So that was somewhat annoying too, as I was kind of thinking about it.
Speaker 1:I'm with you on that one. This is the thing that bugs me so much about these limited series. The whole serialized format used to be 20 to 25 episodes and it would span the course of, you know, a half a year. But for some reason Disney and I know they're expensive to make, they're upwards of $20 million a pop, if not more, to produce these episodes, these episodics. But you're trying to cram so much into six to eight episodes, these episodics. But you're trying to cram so much into six to eight episodes and you can't tell that epic of a story. You can, but you have to do it right. Like there could have been a passage of time episode, you know, but there was so much back, you know having to go and do your flashbacks to tell you know the complete story. They could have done a you know the complete story. They could have done a you know a half an episode of just you know five years later type of thing. Or you know two years later and saw that progression.
Speaker 1:Um, that's the same problem that I had with, uh, what was it? Uh, obi-wan, maybe, I don't know. Most of the most of the series, the Star Wars series that have come out have just been too rushed, and I'm with you. Yeah, there was no, it was like this is like a whole 24 hour period. In essence. I mean, that's how it's how it's shot, Like people don't change that much. You know, sober people don't change that much.
Speaker 2:It's still like it's been years.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, exactly so. Yeah, I'm with you. I thought that was very strange as well, and I just think that's a fallacy of this limited series world that, for some reason, disney is creating for us. I still don't understand why they can't make a 20-episode season, have it go on for six months and drive us insane for six months, versus just pounding it out in eight weeks.
Speaker 2:They don't want to invest in that money. They want to give himself flexibility. Speaking of, you brought up obi-wan now that the show is over. Uh, I think I read earlier that this show cost twice the amount of budget as obi-wan.
Speaker 3:Oh really and I don't. The cast is like triple the size, yeah like, but barely named right.
Speaker 2:And and why like I? I?
Speaker 3:don't I mean think about it. The the main other than no, just the one, jedi. What's his, what's his name? Fakie beard um you mean junior?
Speaker 3:yeah, he, he. So he's the only one of the the you know, the, the main jedi that they've been pushing in the press. Junkets right, you have junis swatamo right, he's established wookiee. Right, you have uh carianne. Uh, moss right, am I getting everyone? Every single person is like oh yeah, this is Matrix five because of all the wire work. You know Daphne Keene. She's been around for quite some time now, by the way he's coming back in Deadpool.
Speaker 3:Right, so it's. It's not exactly like a unnamed cast right, like there's, there's. There's like I wouldn't say like a list, a plus list, celebrities, but there's, there's up there celebrities, yeah, I the more you say that, the less I feel like a name like.
Speaker 2:It's like how marvel is now beginning to feel like this, and same thing with disney's. I do believe that name cats actually don't mean much to the storytelling of it all. Right, and so why waste the money and the budget on that when, to anything's point, maybe they could have done a few more episodes.
Speaker 1:Maybe, you know, I don't, I don't know, it feels unnecessary even so, even Carrie Ann Moss, which is probably the most recognized actor in that series from a career perspective I mean, if you're looking at $20 million per episode, production costs their salary. Her salary per episode for that, even on a Schedule F, is maybe, maybe and I'm being generous on the high end maybe like $50,000 per episode. She is not making enough money to break the budget. Ewan McGregor was probably making $250,000 per episode for Obi-Wan and I have nothing to base that on besides his screen credibility within the Lucasfilm family. But yeah, their salaries are not what's breaking the budget.
Speaker 1:I'm curious what is breaking the budget. I mean, they had a ton of extras in this one, but that's obviously not breaking the budget either. I mean, they're day players. They're making $1,000 a day, like that's nothing in a $20 million budget. So yeah, I'm curious as to why. Maybe they did more locations versus volume shooting. Maybe they did more locations versus volume shooting and that's why the budget, when you have to ship an entire company to Ireland or the UK, I mean that's going to. That's exponentially higher than filming in one of the volumes.
Speaker 3:So, yeah, very curious if there's been any kind of breakdown of that's available publicly, any kind of breakdown of uh that's available publicly. I did just one thing that eric mentioned about the uh filming extra scenes, like you said, a kiss scene and stuff like that. It's like that might have been done strategically or tactically, just to throw everyone on the cast off say, hey, we're going in this direction, and then maybe it didn't work and they're just like you know what, we're going to cut it all. Um, I mean, we know, like they've done it in the past with you know, empire strikes back.
Speaker 3:They put a script out that says one thing and then they tell, like the two characters are in the scene, it's no. It says no, I am your father, and then the whole rest of the like, everybody on the set is like what, we didn't know this was happening. And then like that's what makes the actual film. Did that happen here? Like a, like a 30 maybe, like I think. I think they actually tried to do it and they just junked it because it was like this isn't working or we shouldn't go in this direction. I don't know.
Speaker 1:Just a food for thought yeah, any final thoughts, any hopes for season two, if there is a season 2.
Speaker 2:I'm just excited that this show introduced us to Manny Jacinto's Arms and I would like To see more of him.
Speaker 2:Honestly, he's all everyone's been Talking about about this entire show. Actually, I think that if you look at the Kind of mentions that's being talked About, like, I think he's one of the breakouts from this show. So I'm excited about that and I'm excited to see kind of where the show takes him or, you know, I think, just beyond, now that he's been introduced into the Star Wars like a fandom. I think I'm excited about Lee John Jay finally getting like a, a Western, like beyond squid game kind of of show, and I think he's did an awesome job uh in the series. You know you talk about bringing like folks like that over.
Speaker 2:I would love to kind of start seeing more of him uh in like western media as well, which I think is just exciting, even though it's dead rip, um and I think general. You know we can talk disco balls, but I I feel like it was a decent show. Uh, I think that you know, thinking back, I was thinking last night it had there hasn't been that many shows where it got us like literally talking every week thinking about what do you mean? What do you think of this Like? What do you think is about to happen here? So, um, as much, uh, I don't want to say criticism, but I think comments we've had about the show, I think that is very nice and I think that is an indication that, like, I think maybe this deserves like another um season to kind of see kind of where this goes about you, chris?
Speaker 3:I, I think I just I just want a second season, right, don't? I don't want to be left on this, this much of a unknown cliffhanger, like what, what's going to happen next? Kind of situation Like that's, that's all my wishes are Like, I don't want to, I don't care about seeing anything, I just want it to happen, right, and when it happens I'll appreciate it, or I won't, and that's it.
Speaker 1:All right. So this series has been averaging about a three and a quarter three and a half disco balls since we started our recap series. Eric disco ball rating for the series or the season. Yeah, I'll end around three and a half.
Speaker 2:Three and a half, all right, yeah, and because there were so many sick lightsaber fights. Also for the reasons I mentioned prior. Nice.
Speaker 3:Nitro, I'll bump it up to a three and a half Okay.
Speaker 1:All right, all right. And because of my disappointment in resolution and lack of understanding if they will in fact do a second season, I would have accepted it would have been a lot higher if we knew there was a second season coming to have all these cliffhangers open, but the fact that there's so much uncertainty, I'm going to keep mine at. I'll go with the flow. I'm going to do a three and a half as well. I enjoy, I thoroughly enjoyed the entire series in totality, but the season finale was a little bit of a disappointment.
Speaker 2:I don't think they struck the landing. They didn't no.
Speaker 1:And the fact that and I hate, but they had to show Yoda and they were doing so great without having to lean on any of the original IP, and then that last 10 seconds, seconds, they had to show Yoda. It's like come on, you were doing so good.
Speaker 2:Watch. Season two actually begins, and it's not Yoda.
Speaker 1:It's actually Yaddle.
Speaker 2:Yaddle.
Speaker 1:Okay, good point. Good point. We have not heard Yaddle's story. Everyone's racist, so I did it again. I did it again, all right. Well, what did you all think of Acolyte, the series? Acolyte, episode eight? Shoot us over your thoughts and theories. And disco ball ratings at mailbag, at geekygogocom and Chris, let's go back to the rest of what you're watching.
Speaker 3:It's our typical what you're watching. We'll start with eric. Eric well, it's not just eric, it's actually eric and I. We're tag team in this one. Uh, which is kind of the man of the hour.
Speaker 2:Glenn powell uh, who's bringing everything this year? Um, yeah, we saw it, uh, this past week and, uh, thoroughly enjoyed it. This is not exactly a sequel to twister. The first one, uh, in case folks are curious, um, they are references to twister, I think, subtly dropped like cat, like little easter eggs throughout, maybe earlier, I think chris, of the movie, uh, but it's fairly independent movie, uh, and I mean, it's about as much as you expect a lot of action, and I think think Chris and I were talking about this. This movie was made for a theme park, right, is what it is Like. I think I could totally imagine this happening and I think, chris, you told me that and I went to see it and I go, yep, 100%. I think this is a ride, thoroughly enjoyed it. It was just entertaining. It's an entertaining kind of fun popcorn flicks. But, chris, what'd you think?
Speaker 3:So, yes, I agree, excuse me, the only tie-in that I noticed and there may have been more, but my son is like super into weather phenomenon lately and the entire film he's just like, oh my God, god, another tornado. Like he was literally shooting out of his seat going tornado, tornado. That's awesome. So I was kind of looking at him more than I was looking at the film. Um, just just because of the distraction, I'm like you gotta be quiet, dude, um, but so the only thing that I saw that tied it to the old one, uh, was a scaled down version of Dorothy, uh, and and for everyone listening, uh, dorothy uh was, was a machine, something or other designed, a science project designed in the first film, um, uh, by Bill Paxton and, um, I'm forgetting her name, damn it. Helen Hunt, female protagonists in the first film, helen Hunt, helen Hunt, there you go. They designed, and it was basically this big container that had these spherical sensors that they were supposed to fly up into a tornado, just gather data and whatever. And they just these, these students, these students started using her Dorothy in the beginning of the film, right, but then we never see Dorothy ever again. It just got obliterated. So they pivoted to a different size project that Daisy Edgar Jones's character was trying to use in this film in order to basically get rid of tornadoes. So, yeah, it was fun, I think in the same breadth that the original Twister was. We're not talking about, you know, award-winning performances here or anything like that. It was a fun film, a little bit of nostalgia kind of. In the same breath, you know, team versus Storm Chaser, team versus Storm Chaser team was brought back into this. So a little bit of a recycle of the old film. However, the change in this one was the two teams kind of end up merging a little bit, right. Or, you know, players from either team, like one, goes to the protagonist, daisy Edgar Jones. She starts on the geeky sciencey team that has very good funding and stuff like that, which in the original film was killed off, right, they just got sucked into a tornado. And this one she starts on that team and goes to the you know the, put it on a band-aid, on it, slap some duct tape and we'll make this work kind of team. So that's what it was.
Speaker 3:Uh, I liked it, I thought it was a good film. Uh, they should bring it back. I don't know if it's gone from universal. I haven't been to Universal in years. It was literally like a stage the Twister stage or something like that, and, like you know, you were in a soundstage kind of thing and like things were flying all over the place and whatever. So it wasn't really like a ride, it was like a room you walk through, pretty cool. But yeah, definitely this is. They could definitely do something like that back at Universal Studios. Eric, you want to give it a disco ball rating? You want to?
Speaker 2:talk about it some more. Having lived now near tornadoes, this movie felt a lot more scary. Actually, there were shots of it that you go. Oh yeah, tornadoes are scary, scary subjects. The only thing I will say is and Jesse and I were talking about this on the way home she's like yeah, this is the best good-looking group of like meteorologists I can't say that word meteorologists that you can kind of see on screen. She's like no way, there is no way that people like this actually exist. So no, I enjoyed it. I didn't hate it. Disco ball wise, I think you know. Three and a half for me. Uh, three, three and a half, um, yeah good, and I'll also throw in a.
Speaker 3:Uh, I'll give it three disco balls, nice cool. So moving on, anthony, what you watching?
Speaker 1:I am watching. An Austrian film came out this year called the Devil's Bath. It's billed as a historical drama slash horror film. I watched it because of the horror component, but I think it airs more on the side of historical drama thriller. I didn't get much of a horror vibe to it, but it's this very atmospheric type of film. It takes place in 1750 in Austria and pretty much it opens. It's a very dark film. It's a very dark film, a demon movie. Dark what it's not a demon movie.
Speaker 1:I actually don't understand why they call it the Devil's Bath. I have an idea now. But there's no demons, there's no paranormal, there's no monsters, there's nothing like that in it. It's the uncomfortable vibe of the darkness of the forest, it's the oppression of women in that time frame. So, anyway, this movie was based on research done by I forget who the woman's name is, but there was this, there was this, this, this I don't know what the word I'm looking for is this, this moment in time where all these suicides were happening and it was. It was by women and it was more. It wasn't like self inflicted suicide, it was suicide by admission of a crime, so they could just be taken out. So the movie opens with this woman, this baby, and this woman picks up this baby and takes the baby into the woods. And I'm going to spoil this a little bit because it kind of baselines it, and I think I mean any research that you do on this film.
Speaker 1:You read this she gets to this waterfall and she's holding the baby and she puts a rosary on the baby and then she throws the baby off the waterfall and then she genuflects and then she goes to their version of the police in Austria in 1750 and says I've committed a crime. And then they kill her because she committed murder. They kill her a crime, and then they kill her because she committed murder. They kill her and you know, they leave her body, you know, up on this mountain. And then the next day is this wedding ceremony of this young girl and this guy. They have their wedding ceremony. Her neighbor or brother or cousin, whatever gifts her a piece of the woman who they just killed, as a kind of a gift of fertility. I know there's a lot of things that are going on that are not explained until the very, very end. And so the woman takes the finger, she goes home, to her new home with her husband, and the husband denies her in bed and all this woman wants is to bear a child and be a mother. Anyway, she's not getting jiggy with her husband at all throughout the series, and so now she's like kind of stuck in her own head. She has suspicions about the husband and his sexuality because of something that she saw, and instead of wanting to live, she decides that she wants to die. But because of her deep religious beliefs, she cannot commit suicide because she will be going to hell. So she learns about what happened with the woman who threw the baby overboard. She commits a crime and admits to it and then gets herself murdered and that's how she takes herself out. And apparently this was a thing that happened in the 1700s and early 1800s in Austria, because of religion, because of the suppression and oppression of women. But anyway, the film ends with her beheaded body on a stage and they're filling up buckets of blood and people are paying money to take cups of blood and drink it, and I guess that's the devil's bath component. But it sounds like and they don't necessarily really touch on this, but it sounds like their imbibing of her blood or anybody's blood brings wealth and prosperity and fertility and all this stuff.
Speaker 1:It's a dark movie. It's very moody and atmospheric because of the time frame. It was written and directed by Severin Fiala and Veronica Franz, names you probably have never heard of unless you watch Austrian horror films. So Goodnight Mommy, which I think was actually remade recently. It's about these twins. It's a good, another moody, atmospheric type of horror film. This mother goes away for surgery and when she comes home she's covered in bandages and she's the mother to these two twins and the twins don't believe it's really their mother. So again, like very dark, moody, the Lodge is another horror film. So yeah, anyway, it was good. It was not a horror movie as what I was expecting, but it was definitely a thriller drama. I would give it three and a half stars, or three and a half disco balls for it. Half stars are three and a half disco balls. Uh, for it. If you're looking for something dark and uh but also kind of based a little bit on history, yeah, three and a half disco balls as you're describing it.
Speaker 3:I was like, this sounds very german and it is it's austrian german. So I was like, okay, you almost.
Speaker 1:You almost really Go ahead. No, I was going to say, did either of you, see Midsommar.
Speaker 1:I heard of it. Yeah, and that takes place, I believe, in Sweden or Finland or something like that. But that's another one of those type of atmospheric. It was written and directed by Ari Aster, who he also did Hereditary. But like these types of movies that just are there, their surroundings are just as much of a star of the film as the actors are and they're very story heavy, story heavy. You know. They use music, they use the natural sounds of the environment as the soundtrack, which adds to the eeriness and the discomfort that you get in watching the film. So that's what I kind of liken this to as well. Cool yeah.
Speaker 3:Nice, all right, any other closing thoughts? Eric, no cool, yeah, german fills. It's like one of those things where, like, um, I'm not sure I want to go to this little mini film festival thing to see this, because it's just very odd sometimes. And so, yeah, it's a very german austria gave us arnold schwarzenegger.
Speaker 2:Man, I mean, it's definitely Arnold.
Speaker 3:He's looking here and it says it's like a 90% audience score. So cool. Oh we have a guest. Hello, Hello sir. He can't hear us because he's not wearing headphones.
Speaker 1:Do you see Mr Chris and Mr Eric from yesterday? Hi, mr Chris. Hi, he says hi. Do you want to see the? Can you hear Mr Chris? I'm just imagining it snapping.
Speaker 3:Alright.
Speaker 1:Let's get this outro done.
Speaker 3:Do you want more Geeky A Go Go? Well, make sure you're following us on all the socials At Geeky A Go Go and share with us what you you're following us on all the socials at Geeky A Go-Go and share with us what you're watching. Want cool stuff? Want to connect with us on a higher level, like on our Discord channel? Head on over to patreoncom. Slash geekyagogo and support the show. You'll get awesome swag and other perks. If you haven't done so already, make sure you're following the show on your favorite podcast platform and us a review. Thanks so much for listening. Peace out everybody.
Speaker 2:Bye, bye.