Geeky a Go Go
Geeky a Go Go
Reviews of I.S.S., Kaiju No. 8, The Gentlemen and More This Week on Whatcha' Watchin'
Have you ever wondered what happens when a middle-aged man turns into a kaiju? This week Eric tells us all about the world of Kaiju No. 8 on Crunchyroll. An anime that mixes humor and action in a story about a guy who turns into a kaiju while trying to join a kaiju-hunting team led by his childhood friend. And if you think that’s fun, Nitro talks about the space(ish) thriller ISS where astronauts aboard the International Space Station witness Earth’s catastrophic downfall from above, while facing chilling orders from their respective governments.
That’s not all! There’s plenty of talk about the 2024 Paris Olympics, Amazon Prime’s latest addition to the DC universe Batman: Caped Crusader, and some tangents about Chris Messina’s role in The Giant Mechanical Man.
Kaiju No. 8
Batman: Caped Crusader
The Gentlemen
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was the Olympian not able to listen to music?
Speaker 2:Why.
Speaker 1:Because he broke the record.
Speaker 2:Oh, here's a comment. Hey, what animal do you think is best at hitting a baseball?
Speaker 1:What.
Speaker 2:A bat.
Speaker 1:Eric turns into a human-sized kaiju with kaiju number 8, and I went to planetary orbit with ISS on this week's episode of Whatcha Watchin'. Welcome to Whatcha Watchin'. Presented by Geeky A Go-Go, a show where we dive into what's curly on our screens. Big screens or little screens, size matter, not here, just the quality, or lack thereof, of our cues. Eric, we're missing one person today because he decided to go on vacation, so I'm going to go start with you, because I have no really other option. What you watching, eric?
Speaker 2:Well, other than the Olympics, which I've been watching, a whole lot of very exciting stuff. I get excited every four years, Every two years actually.
Speaker 1:That's right. Winter Olympicsics and summer I mean the winter olympics are meh it's got curling dude it's got finger skating what's that called skeleton. It's literally called what you end up as if you mess up oh, you're talking about the thing that goes really really fast it's like bobsled, but you're like on your face and you go forward yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah is that is, this skeleton. I think it's called skeleton. Let's get to the googles I was gonna say suicide olympics. Yeah, it's called Skeleton.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. I mean I don't want to play that Skeleton. I also am very.
Speaker 1:Listen to this description Skeleton race. Skeleton racing involves plummeting headfirst down a steep and treacherous ice track on a tiny sled. It is considered the world's first sliding sport.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, no, thank you, I do enjoy. I do think. This year, by the way, uh, what's gonna get real exciting breakdancing is in olympics for the first time. I'm excited to see how that turns out. So is snoop dog very excited to see how that turns. It's been great, so snoop's being awesome anyway. So I've been doing that and then watching-wise.
Speaker 2:Actually this is from a while back, but I did wrap up the show called Kaiju no 8. It's a nice little anime that was nice and contained. There were a few episodes of it. I watched it on Crunchyroll, but basically it's about a dude who got he ate a monster by mistake and then he turned into a kaiju, which makes it especially tricky because he aspires to be on the team that goes out and kills kaiju and the woman who leads the kaiju hunting team right now. It's like his like childhood friend growing up, uh, and so he's always wanted to kind of join her and gosh. Through a set of circumstances he did end up, uh, joining the team again, but uh, what's funny about this is it's got like the humor throughout it's not your typical very serious kaiju movie, uh, in that this dude is supposed to be a middle-aged man who's joining this hunting sport. That is for, I think, early 20s, late teens kind of situation and uh, you know he can't keep up and the entire time he needs to make sure he doesn't turn into a kaiju, because he knows when he does. He can keep up with these kids but he has to use his middle-aged man body to uh qualify and, you know, really be his human self to kind of help out his friends and all that kind of stuff. So it's a cute little uh show. I really enjoyed it.
Speaker 2:Uh, it came out, I think, uh, earlier this year. It's used it was originally um comic books, uh and oh. The reason and then and then so the reason, by the way, he's called kaiju number eight is there are all sorts of monsters in this world that you have to be hunt down, uh, and when you become a named monster you're considered to be extremely dangerous. And he just accidentally became kaiju number eight. He didn't want to. He accidentally became one uh, and the whole thing is about how he's reconciling with them. Yeah, I'm looking forward to Season 2. Season 1 ended on a high note, which you know. Check it out. But you know, obviously there's not the whole lot of surprise. Our hero comes out on top, but you know, I think that he's had to make certain life changes. That will kind of go into Season 2, which is pretty cool to see.
Speaker 1:How do you mistakenly eat a kaiju Like this is fascinating. Yeah, he got hurt.
Speaker 2:So they never explained it, which I assume are some of these backstories you're going to hear more of in later seasons. But the whole thing is because he's middle aged and his dream of being a childhood uh hunter didn't pan out. He became a sanitation workers that cling up after the kaiju attacks, um and one of these cleanups he got hurt by a small kaiju uh, and so he got sent to the hospital with one of the other person on his team that got there and in the middle of the night a monster showed up and was like oh, you're it, and he opened his mouth accidentally and the thing just went in and he just ate it and he's like, oh my God, and the next thing, you know, he turned into a kaiju. Other than that, we don't know why they picked him.
Speaker 1:So it's not like an alien facehugger chest-bursting thing, right? This isn't a kaiju incubating in him, this is just.
Speaker 2:Well, Wikipedia says that it was a parasite.
Speaker 1:Okay. So Maybe, I'm trying to think he ate it. I'm not fresh with my stuff. I felt like there was something that was similar. Was it called the Guyver? I don't know. We're going to have to ask everybody else and our fans to look this up. It's reminding me of other things. It's just this eating thing. I was like what? How did he accidentally eat? So he's been forcibly fed?
Speaker 2:uh, a parasite jumping down his throat, okay yeah, let's say that, let's say that okay, that's, yeah, okay, I mean there's not a whole lot of logic applied to this thing I mean, yeah, I guess it is a manga series, right?
Speaker 1:so, uh, yeah, so I think there are more cool.
Speaker 2:I think there are more uh, but uh, all joking aside, this is wonderful as an anime and I will give this a solid four. This is a good anime. Um, and there was only a few episodes which uh, which I was, I, I, it was nice, I just cranked it out in like uh, like like a week, 12, 12 episodes, yeah.
Speaker 1:Okay, are they like 20 minute long, 25 minute long episodes?
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're not long.
Speaker 1:They weren't long, so it's based on a comic series, correct?
Speaker 2:Yes, and that's been going for a while. I don't think it's done yet, Actually. Original run. Let me look at it. Yeah, it's still going. It's been a thing since July 2020. So it's a relatively new.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay ango. And it's on Crunchyroll. You said I don't think I have Crunchyroll Because Crunchyroll is not one of those free services, right?
Speaker 2:No, no, no.
Speaker 1:Okay, all right, I'll add it to the queue. That's all I got got. What do you got? Uh, uh, this week I'll start with and this is hilarious, okay, uh, I watched iss, uh, so the letter.
Speaker 1:I dot, s, dot S dot that's the title of the film and that's short for International Space Station and I thought it was going to be like this kind of thriller thing. There's like aliens involved, because usually in space there's things like that involved, especially when there's destruction of the Earth going on. But it turns out what we're following is a group of six astronauts on the International Space Station. Three are American, three are Russian, and one of them happens to look out the window and is like hey, what's going on? And they all rush to the cupola, as they call it. For those unfamiliar, there's a part of the International Space Station that's basically like a viewing portal, that's mainly windows, so people can look out in many different directions I wouldn't say 360 degree, but as close as possible to that and they're all looking down at the earth, and the earth you just saw is just see these big fireballs happening all across the united states. And so the astronauts start freaking out. They're like what, what is going? And the commander of the ISS. He's like everyone you know just get out of the cupola, we're all you know. Go to your perspective bunks or something like that, and we come to find out.
Speaker 1:It's a mutually assured destruction kind of scenario where literally everyone's just started bombing each other, just started bombing each other, and right before they lose communications with the Earth, we find out through the tension of what's going on. Is each team separately the Americans and the Russians both receive instructions to take control of the International Space Station with no specific instruction on how to do so. So individuals on either team take it as by any means necessary, right? I let everyone's imaginations fill in the blanks there. Um, the hilarious thing on my part, which was mentioned earlier, is I thought one of the, the, the russian cosmonauts, was joshua jackson, and it's not. It's an actor that I constantly mistake as Joshua Jackson and his name is. The actor's name is Pilu Azbek, I think that's how you pronounce it, azbek. I'm finding this out by doing the research for this right now.
Speaker 2:He's a Danish version. Yeah, and he's not even Russian. He's a.
Speaker 1:Danish guy, but he does not even russian. He's a danish guy, uh, but he does play like russian gangsters in many things. Um, yes so, but again, I he kind like if you squint and you're not looking directly at him, he kind of looks like joshua jackson a little bit. Um, if you look at them side by side, you're like they look nothing alike. Um, but yeah, um, I think I watched it on an airplane and that's why I'm like it was like crappy. You know, uh, not not 4k or 1080p stuff, it was just crappy seat back screen. Um, but uh, with all that aside, the it wasn't that great of a movie.
Speaker 1:Um, a lot of tropes, a lot of like stereotypes. Um, I feel like it was almost done to like drum up uh further hatred towards the russians, right? Uh, although I do know it takes a while to make a film, um and I don't know if it's this is a result of, uh, the conflict and the war that that you know uh is happening in the ukraine and whatnot.
Speaker 1:So it could be american propaganda for all I know. But I don't know. Um, but the movie's not that good like and and it and it's I. I'm sad to say that because you have a lot of good actors in it. You have Ariana. I think it's Deboze, I think that's how you pronounce it. Did she win an Academy Award or she got nominated for it For West Side Story?
Speaker 2:Did she get an Academy Award?
Speaker 1:She got an Academy Award, she has an academy award, she has a bafta, she has a golden globe, um, you know. So, yeah, like it's weird to me, like you have really good and this isn't the first time we've seen, I've talked about this like there's other films where, like they have a really good cast, like strong actors and actresses, and then they just put them in crappy movies. Um, you mentioned chris messina.
Speaker 2:I don't know who chris messina is oh well, uh, a lot of people know chris messina from I think like the mindy project he was in it. Okay, um, he was in a newsroom. This is like the short, like aaron sorkin show on hbo newsroom was great. I yeah, so he was in it okay and then I think he said, like minor, like uh, he's one of those characters that show up in a lot of movies. Uh, for a while now, right um I hated this movie.
Speaker 2:Like I says, this is terrible. It was a terrible movie. I I finished watching it I went like what, what just happened?
Speaker 1:same with, uh uh, costa, costa ronin. Costa ronin, um, he plays one of the russians as well, like he's been in tons of stuff once upon a time in hollywood. Um, I'm looking at other things he's done. He, he was in obliterated, which I literally obliterated in one of our earlier shows, earliest shows. Um, yeah, it's just. I mean, like I said, that you put a bunch of good actors in something doesn't make the movie better.
Speaker 2:Um, yeah, I just feel like like, was it? Was this terrible editing, you know, was a terrible story, writing like did the movie actually start out that way? Because this is a terrible script if that was the case yeah, I don't, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Uh, I mean I'll, I'll give it, I'll give it two, two disco balls, just to be generous I don't think I don't think it's deserving of two, even uh. But I will give it two uh, because I do like space films, right.
Speaker 2:So this I don't think this barely had spacey stuff that floated and then they tried to like like escape on the soyas that that's, that's it and what are they escaping to like, I mean? They say they don't know?
Speaker 1:spoiler alert they do end up making contact with the, with the surface of the earth again. Um, but who knows what they're going back to. Literally like the entire worth has been has been destroyed, or I should say vast sections of it. I shouldn't say all of it.
Speaker 2:Um, yeah, just dumb like it feels like a setup actually to a tv show. Come to think of it. You know, I could see it as a pilot. You know, if you shorten it and then they don't know what world they're gonna come back to?
Speaker 1:you know, something happens back on earth it kind of reminds me of something that um damn it, I forgot his name but but the author of World War Z. If anyone read the book, read the book. Don't watch the movie. The movie has nothing to do with the book. I don't even know how they decided to take the movie out of the book. It's completely different, folks, when I tell you this. The movie has nothing to do with the book whatsoever.
Speaker 1:The book is amazingly good, especially the one, the audio book because it's voiced by many talented actors, and so, if you haven't heard it or read it, the book tells little stories across the world from many different people, which is not what the movie does, the movies literally chasing Brad Pitt through the world, and there's one chapter in the book that talks about the astronauts stuck on the ISS while the entire world is being overcome by zombies, and so they tell it from the perspective of after many timeframe years or whatever that the they managed to bring the astronauts back down and the astronauts are like basically in hospice care because they've been exposed to space radiation for such a long period of time, and so you know they're talking about that perspective of they're looking down on the Earth and they're seeing it literally crumble and they don't know what to do, and stuff like that. So to Eric your point like that is a cool setup, right. Like telling the story after the fact of like hey, hey, we were stuck on the iss and then we were watching this all happen and then this is what we came back to. Yes, I agree with you. Like if they told, if they had used this as a backstory to a longer thing of like hey, how are we gonna live on the earth now that all this happened? Yeah, I agree, know, maybe we could pitch that to Hollywood and we'll make it into a movie or a TV series.
Speaker 1:I should say that's a good idea, I like that. So, yeah, I'm sticking. You know what I'm downgrading? Screw it. I'm downgrading to one disco ball, all right, yeah that sounds about right.
Speaker 1:You convinced me. So yeah, definitely one disco ball, not a recommended watch, unless we come up with our TV show, then you should go watch it. That's the basis of our TV show. Yeah, so that's my caveat with that one. Enough of that, eric. What else have you watched?
Speaker 2:Yeah, Well, actually, before I get there, I was thinking about christmas cena. One of my favorite christmas cena movies is like I don't think it ever left the festival circuit, uh, so I'm sure you can find it randomly somewhere online. There was a movie called uh, the giant mechanical man, which I think was like in early 2010s. Uh, he's the main character and the other one is, uh, jenna fisher. So pam from the office um, pam is like this. Well, jenna fisher is like this uh, you know, wondering like early 30s person was trying to find herself, and chris messina plays one of those uh dudes you see in the park like all painted uh, and then you pay them and they dance around, kind of situation oh, like a role, like the golden robot I know what you're talking about.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. So, uh, it's about you know their interaction. You know pam has jenna, fisher has always no, uh, I know this dude, and then this dude knows her, but then they end up working together like while he's because he needs to find a job other than being a painted mechanical man, um, so it's one of those stories where he knows who she is, she doesn't know who he is, but then she has been relationship, like he's been trying to introduce to someone else you know to be in relationship, all that kind of stuff and kind of how all that comes together. I really like the movie. It was a cute little movie. That's where I actually fell in love with Chris Messina, which is an extra bummer to hear him showing up in ISS.
Speaker 2:Okay, this is just so we can kick it again.
Speaker 1:You're going back 2012,. The giant mechanical man came out. That's been a while Do you want to hear the IMDb rating?
Speaker 2:It must be terrible. What is it?
Speaker 1:6.6 out of 10.
Speaker 2:Is there any critics? Audience review.
Speaker 1:I don't think IMDb does that.
Speaker 2:Shout out to.
Speaker 1:Anthony, I don't have IMDb Pro.
Speaker 2:All right, here we go. Rotten Tomatoes.
Speaker 1:This is where I usually go by yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:So 70 from critics, um, which is fresh, uh, and then 65 from audience, which is not horrible. So it's around. I didn't say it's like the best movie ever. I just liked christmas nita in this movie, so I know I liked it.
Speaker 1:It was a cute little, cute little movie, that's I mean that goes to tell you like it's, if critics and fans are in alignment about the average-ish rating, about it, it's, it's. It's pretty accurate, so okay I see what you're saying.
Speaker 2:It's an average movie. Uh, well, that wasn't actually what my watching watching was gonna be, but, uh, I actually started watching on amazon the new um batman animated series. So let's go, batman caped crusader um, I haven't finished it. I'm only, like you know, two episodes into it, so no disco balls for me. So more to come on this.
Speaker 2:But what's interesting is the setting of it all. You know, I think, recent Batman we've had Batman being set more in like modern, recent times, whereas this one is set in, I think, like the 40s, 50s. So you get that old school car, old school vehicle like the Batmobile is like a cool car, but still got that vintage look. Penguin is. You go, like the batmobile is like a cool car, but still got that vintage look. Uh, penguin uh is a woman, uh.
Speaker 2:And then there's all these kind of different things that you don't know and the show kind of just started right away with batman already existed in this world, uh, and people are I think some people are still kind of skeptical about the fact that, whether he exists or not, uh, but it's not like we're getting an origin story of batman, this is like a batman that's already got, you know, alfred, and all these kind of thing that's kind of happening and so, um, I've liked this so far. I've always liked, actually, the batman animated series, uh and uh, more to come on that, but that's starting, and then, uh, I think it's one of those release one and done kind of situation, so I'm just gonna finish watching it and report back once I'm done with that nice.
Speaker 1:Um, I mean, you only watched a couple of episodes so maybe we won't be able to answer, but is is this? Is this bruce wayne batman? It's bruce wayne okay, there's bruce wayne, there are, he's a playboy still there are. There are. I don't know if it's fan fiction or alternate histories or something like that, but there was something, because you said it's set earlier, right In the 50s or something or the 40s, correct? There's other things out there. That's, I think, alluded to that. His dad moonlit as Batman Bruce's father.
Speaker 2:Okay, this is Bruce, because Bruce Wayne's dad's not named Bruce, right no, this is Bruce. Because Bruce Wayne's dad is not named Bruce, right no?
Speaker 1:What is his name?
Speaker 2:And Alfred's already old in this one and he's dealing with the same set of people, right? Gordon is there, barbara Gordon is there, harvey Dent is there. It's all the usual same characters, except in that different kind of time period.
Speaker 1:So Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne are his parents. Right, right, right the Okay. So were you a fan of the animated series? Do you vividly remember it?
Speaker 2:I didn't watch them religiously, but I watched them often. It was one of those like what afternoon or Saturday morning kind of situation, I think.
Speaker 1:so yeah, there's something that stands out to me, and I could be wrong on this, but I think the episode was filmed, not filmed colored in black and white, and they had like an old Batmobile where it was kind of like a Rolls Royce Phantom but it had like a Batman head on the front. Does that ring any bells to you?
Speaker 2:No, I can't think of it.
Speaker 1:I think what was his name? Well, who did what's his name? Damn it Morgan Freeman. Who did he play in the films?
Speaker 2:He was like his engineer guy, the scientist dude. Yeah, what was his?
Speaker 1:name. We're doing a lot of Googling folks.
Speaker 2:Uh, fox, lucius Fox, that was his name in the movie, so Lucius Fox.
Speaker 1:Lucius Fox Batman animated series Nope Images. Nope, that's not it. Or I'm not seeing what I wanted to see. I just like I said, I remember I remember an old batmobile, like an episode where they had this old batmobile and it broke and then bruce like finds lucius and lucius makes or helps create the uh, the newer animated series batmobile. Um, yeah, I'm not seeing any images about it, but I also am not seeing any black and white images of it, uh, either. So I could be completely misremembering my childhood right now. But, yeah, that's so, that's what I thought of when you, when you were talking about, like it's a set in an earlier.
Speaker 2:Earlier series of batman um it's not like you know, it's not like how batman beyond introduced like a super old bruce wayne kind of situation like this, is not it like? I think this is a reboot of like a batman world set in the 40 like, just like the way it used to be in the comic books, I think nope, I found it, I was not wrong.
Speaker 1:Uh, okay, first it's first, if you look at the dc batmobile universe sorry that's a thing, so the it's. It's a wiki called dc animated universe dot. Fandomcom. Slash wiki, slash batmobile um and it says first met batmobile um. It says not much is known about madman's early batmobile. Due to mechanical trouble he was forced to abandon it and had much more robust vehicle designed and built by Earl Cooper. So yeah, it wasn't Lucius Fox, it was another gentleman that helped him do it and the episode was called the Mechanic on the animated series.
Speaker 1:So it was just an episode yes, and that's why I thought it was that time frame, because, like, I said they literally have scenes in black and white oh, you know, animators need something exciting every once in a while to work on.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:The 48th episode of Batman, the Avengers originally aired January 24th 1993. So yeah, over 20 years ago.
Speaker 2:25 years ago.
Speaker 1:I can't do math right now.
Speaker 2:It's late In the 90s I was more focused on gargoyles.
Speaker 1:Darkwing Duck and then gargoyles.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was the 90s, right that was the 90s Gargoyles rocked. I love gargoyles.
Speaker 1:Yes, it definitely was a really cool show. Keith David is an awesome actor.
Speaker 2:So that's more to come on that. I've actually liked how these franchises are now doing soft reboots of a lot of things. You know like. X-men 97 was a great animated series and I think that they're beginning to. Even though it's targeted to young adults, I think it's now becoming more societal, acceptable for older people like us to also go like oh, that's kind of cool, I can follow that a little bit, and so I really enjoyed that. Uh, I look forward to see more.
Speaker 1:uh, more to come on that cool, awesome what you got continue continuing on um back to me. So I watched and I'm and I'm kind of mad at myself now because I didn't know I watched a series on Netflix called the Gentleman that aired this year, 2024. Eric was so kind to point out that there was a movie called the Gentleman, which was probably a shortened version of the TV show. I don't know, I had no idea the movie existed, but now I feel like I have to go and watch the movie because I thoroughly enjoyed the TV series. So shame on me.
Speaker 2:And I need to know things like is this the same universe? Because I didn't see the show. I've wanted to watch it.
Speaker 1:It's. I mean, the actors are fantastic, right like um. Theo james plays the protagonist, eddie horniman. Um kaya scodelario plays suzy glass. She's the daughter of a? Um, an established gangster. Uh, played by ray winstone, bobby glass, who's in prison. John carlo esbosito's in it. It's, it's just a cornucopia of great actors. Um, and it's.
Speaker 1:It's just turn after turn after turn, fantastic stuff like, uh, the tag, the tagline for the movie, for the series, for the movie for the series on IMDb here is when aristocratic Eddie inherits the family estate, he discovered that it's home to a huge weed empire and its proprietors aren't going anywhere. So, yeah, the show is set up with, with eddie's father uh passing away and uh, eddie is the younger of two sons. Uh, they also have a sister and uh, the older of the sons is expecting to inherit the state. Uh, I think he's a duke. Um, I think he's a duke I don't remember the titles um, and the father, in his will, passes over the old son, the older son, and gives everything to eddie, and so just insanity ensues, right like literally, like the older brother loses his stuff and this, the sister? Um, she's like, I don't care, I'm going off to college anyway. I think he leaves her like a boat. Uh, her father leaves her a boat, but like there's a, with the caveat of she has to go and travel around the world once to actually own the boat. Like silly, silly aristocratic things are being done, but eddie um slowly finds out there's like a side business happening to help keep the estate afloat, because it costs a lot of money to maintain all the land and whatnot.
Speaker 1:Um, and and, and that's what he discovers. There's basically a weed farm on the estate and the daughter, susie Glass, she wants to continue the business as it is, but Eddie wants to get him off the property, right, he feels like this isn't appropriate. You know, there are aristocracy and all that stuff and it's just hilarity ensues. It's a comedy, it's, it's I wouldn't even call it a drama, but it's like suspenseful. Um, lots of uh twists and turns throughout the series and and, and, and all of them are usually coming from his brother, um, eddie's brother, uh, freddy. Funny enough, eddie and freddy are brothers, um, so yeah, uh, the mom is still around, and then the groundskeeper is vinnie jones and like, somehow, like we find out, there's a, there's a romantic thing there, it's, it's cool. I liked it a lot. It was very fun. Um, I'm definitely very supportive of the series. I want to go watch the movie now. I had no idea the movie existed, so I'm definitely gonna do that. But uh, my rating. Or do you have any questions, eric, before I get my ready?
Speaker 2:no, it was just gonna say the tv and the movie is set in the same universe, but they're not connected. It's just the same theme and motif. They're carried over. So if you enjoy this series, you probably will like the movie I mean guy richie, I've enjoyed you know what to expect from guy richie exactly I.
Speaker 1:I've enjoyed most of, if not all of, guy richie's works that I've seen. So I'm gonna you know it's this is a solid work as well. So I you know I'm giving it four disco balls right. Definitely, definitely strong show, like I said, funny, I enjoyed it. I like the twists and turns. I like the cliffhangers on episodes what's gonna happen next? Kind of situation. They put a little bow on it at the end but just leaves it open for more things. I don't think they'll continue on for it. You know it's definitely a miniseries type of thing. So yeah, I recommend it. I recommend it for for disco balls.
Speaker 2:For me, wow, all right, balances out the one that you just gave yeah, not an average.
Speaker 1:Okay, I don't want the gentle to be dragged down because of ISS Cool.
Speaker 2:So disappointing of a movie man. I'm still disappointed by it.
Speaker 1:All right, I guess that's all we got for this week, since AP decided to go on vacation and leave us alone. By the way he still did not go see Deadpool vs Wolverine. Folks, please write in to mailbag at geekyagogocom and tell Anthony your disdain or take away all of you collectively. Take away his geek card and you know. Shame on him for even not prioritizing it while he's out of the country to go see Deadpool and Wolverine. Shameful Shame on.
Speaker 2:AP Just disappointing, disappointing. Please, please, shame him.
Speaker 1:I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I didn't ask him if he went, but I'm a little happy that you confirmed it. Now I know the truth.
Speaker 2:I think he admitted that he didn't go, so okay all right, let's wrap this up.
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