Geeky a Go Go
Geeky a Go Go
Scavengers Rein, The Watchers and More This Week on Whatcha' Watchin'
This week, the boys share the rollercoaster ride that is the back-to-school season in Jersey, filled with bus delays, new friends, half days, and headaches! Then Nitro shares the saga of his subscription-based Ironman model kit frustrations (more on that in our Patreon members-only After Party) while AP chats about his upcoming travel schedule where he’ll do a record (for himself) eight flights in three days!
On to our first round of Whatcha’ Watchin’ – have you ever wondered what happens when Studio Ghibli meets interstellar survival? Enter "Scavenger's Reign," the animated series that makes you question every alien planet survival guide you've ever read. Now streaming on Netflix after being canceled by Max, this show follows the survivors of a wrecked cargo ship as they navigate a bizarre alien world filled with telepathic predators and otherworldly creatures. Notable voices like Alia Shawkat, Sunita Mani, and Wunmi Mosaku breathe life into this trippy ecosystem, and the show's success has us all crossing our fingers for a second season.
Round two sees nostalgia kick into high gear with the latest installment of the Beverly Hills Cop series. Eddie Murphy is back, and he's bringing the laughs, the action, and a few sentimental tears. Nitro talks about the film's nods to aging characters and the addition of fresh faces like Joseph Gordon-Levitt and speculates on what this could mean for Eddie Murphy's career. Is there a sequel to The Golden Child on the horizon?
Tune in to relive the good old days while catching up on what's new in the entertainment world! Check out the trailers below, and as always, may your queues be inspired.
Nitro’s Full List
AP’s Full List
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Oh, chris. So I wanted to tell you which M Night Shyamalan movie is my favorite, but it's not happening, it's not happening, it's not happening. Hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh. How many M Night Shyamalans does it take to change a light bulb?
Speaker 2:How many?
Speaker 1:Two One to change the bulb and the other to give it an unexpected twist at the end.
Speaker 2:We need a soundboard. We do.
Speaker 1:That's our next investment. Patreons support us so we can buy a sound effect board please.
Speaker 2:AP gives us a plot twist, with the Watchers and I go on an acid-fueled Ghibli trip with Scavenger's Reign on this week's episode of Whatcha Watchin'. Welcome to Whatcha Watchin'. Presented by Geeky, a Go-Go, a show where we dive into what's currently on our screens. Big screens or little screens, size matters, not here, just the quality or lack the rub of our cues. Joining me today in the go-go is only anthony again, our, our bestest of bud is still out. Mr eric, love you, let's get. I mean, it's only a, it is, it is, yeah and it's only 11 1130 at night where he is.
Speaker 1:There's no reason at all. He shouldn't be on here sleepy-eyed talking about what he's watching on his flights to Taiwan. But whatever, it's okay, Eric, we won't hold it against you, Chris. What have you been up to this week?
Speaker 2:Chris, what have you been up to this week? So this week, big deal in the house right here in New Jersey, or at least in our district, was back to school week and pretty successful. I think the kids had a great week, perfect first day for the both of them, so that's really fun. Also, welcome back to all the traffic jams, you know, around 8 am and 3 pm. We love, love, love school buses. Um, but yeah, I think that's. You know that's. That's the highlight of the week. Kids are back in school. They're having a good time uh, as much as good time you could have as a student who's starting to get more and more homework as you get older and older. So, but you know they they're enjoying it going, seeing their friends every day and whatnot.
Speaker 2:Uh, this is the first year my son's riding the school bus, so he's having a blast, although there was a hiccup on the first day. The guy showed up like after school started oh, oops, yeah. So we made a panic decision to drive him over. Yeah, and right when we got there they pulled in behind us. What? Yeah? So you think about that.
Speaker 2:The bus stop is actually kind of far away. It's like a good five minute walk, four and a half minute walk or something like that, so already late. Then walked back home, got in the car, drove away, got to the school and then the school bus showed up, wow. So yeah, that's a little little bit of hiccups with the busing situation, um, which kind of made him upset because he's like, oh, I'm just really excited about it. And then, you know, he made a new school bus stop buddy, um, from a neighboring family that's like on the other side over here, nice. So yeah, and then just the bus decided that you know what? I'm going to be late the first two days. And then the bus driver changed.
Speaker 1:Oh, there you go, all right, all right.
Speaker 2:And do they like their teachers? They do they, they, they, they're happy about it. Yeah, I think I fingers crossed they, like I said, they had a first good first week, good first impression of the teachers, the schools not new schools for either of them so they're doing okay, um, but yeah, uh. And then I'm going to end on a low light because I'm going to hand it over to you and you should end with a highlight, okay.
Speaker 1:All right.
Speaker 2:Uh, I'm going to end on a low light and, uh, for me, I finished. Uh, I'm I'm pretty sure it was a. It started off as fan home, which is a subscription based. Uh, model building, model kit building service, Um, and I ordered the Ironman Nice, um, so it's fan home, Dagnostini. For those that know, um, they, they offer again, it's a subscription based. They may do a couple of parts every month, um, or for my, in my case, it was four different sets of parts. Okay, yeah, and looking back at it, I would never do it again. Oh, really, yeah.
Speaker 1:And why not?
Speaker 2:The order of build is ridiculous. Right, and this is partly my fault. I let so much time elapse, like I would let the boxes pile up before I get back to them because of this frustration, and I'm looking at the Iron man right now and it's pissing me off.
Speaker 1:I can hear it in your voice the anger and upset of this process. We could probably do an entire episode on these subscription things and in fact I think I might take a big chunk of this and throw it into our after party. So if you're not subscribed to the Patreon, make sure you are subscribed to Patreon so you can get access to our after party, where Chris and I bemoan the highs and lows of these subscription model kits. But when they're done they can be quite stunning centerpieces to a collection for sure.
Speaker 2:It definitely is. Like I said, I'm looking at it, it is very nice. There's a couple of things that are a little off right, because that's build quality and stuff like that. Right, there's alignment issues, like just that I can see, yeah, but if you know, standing from three feet away it is 24 inches I just confirmed that um, plus the pedestal, so that's like another two, two to three inches on the bottom. So you're looking, just, you know, over two feet tall heavy metal, plasticky structure that also lights up. Also an annoying thing because, like, the batteries are very hard to get to, uh, in some of the pieces, um, but yeah, it's, it's it, it, it is a stunning piece, but when you really really look at it and start knowing what went into it, just not for me, gotcha. Well, sorry, dude, sorry, all good, what was your low light? Let's continue the low light train.
Speaker 1:Let's stay on the low light train. So my low light was it's the anxiety that I've had all week because, starting tomorrow at 2 am, I am literally traveling. I'm going to be on eight airplanes next week in three days. Tomorrow alone I have a 6 am flight leaving Newark to Washington, washington to Savannah, savannah to Chicago, chicago to Little Rock. I'm in Savannah Actually I'm in Georgia for like three hours before I get on my next plane because I have to do a little side visit. But as I continue to do this, I feel like travel like this is good.
Speaker 1:When you're in your 20s, when you're single, when you have nothing at home to distract you from the work on the road. In your 40s, when you have two kids and a wife and side hustles and hobbies, it just makes it harder and harder. And so, especially when you get these surprise work trips thrown onto your plate where you have have to like reshuffle everything, like I wasn't supposed to go to Atlanta yesterday or tomorrow but now I am and it's just. I think that's my low light is just the amount of travel that I'm doing this week and it's like there has to be a better way. How is it that in 2024 we have just not solved the problem of like, holograms and like. Why can't I get a puck where I could just appear in someone's office as a hologram? Why can't we do that in 2024? Where is that technology? Elon Musk, get on that. Stop focusing on spaceflight, focus on holograms. So that's my low light, but I you know I'm going to eat the frog. It's going to be done and I'll be back on Thursday and I get to do it all over again the following week, but at least I'll be here for four days to, uh, to mentally reset myself.
Speaker 1:Um, but my highlight is I did get some shop time in this week, so I got to work on some projects, which was nice. My bench is filling up. There's a lot going on for Comic-Con. I'm doing some props for Mr Hannon, our friend James Hannon, who is the board game Sherpa and the author of a cosplay book. We're going to do some stuff at Comic-Con, so I'm working on those things and so I was able to chip away a little bit at that. And then also the first two days of school in our district as well this week, which was great. So the kids are out of the house, which they're not in new schools, they're in their same schools but they've obviously gone up a grade. But it's nice to be back into the swing of things of the school year, so that's my highlight Wonderful wonderful.
Speaker 2:Hey, before we get into the show, I know you plugged it a little bit. Yeah, do you want to give it a nicer, bigger?
Speaker 1:plug. Thank you, I'm going to give this a nice big plug. So, before we dive into our Whatcha Watchin' rounds this week, head on over to patreoncom slash geekyagogo and consider supporting the show. It does cost us money to put this production on, and we could use all the help we can get. So if you're strapped for cash, there is a free. Yes, please, please, please. The tiers start, I think, at a dollar. I think it's a dollar, three dollars and five dollars or something like that. So consider tossing us a few bucks, buy us a cup of coffee if you like our content that we're producing, but we do have to pay the bills, and we could really use the help. If you are strapped for cash, though, there is a free tier, and that does give you access to our Discord server, so at least you can join us in our conversations between episodes, share with us what you're watching. So head on over to patreoncom slash geekygogo and consider helping us out. All right, nitro, back to you.
Speaker 2:Thank you, anthony. I'll start off this week. So, chris, what you watching? I watched the show and shout out to my coworker, gabe, for putting me on this. He had an inkling that I would like it and I did. I liked it a lot. Actually, the show is called Scavenger's Reign. It started on Max, but I think they they decided to cancel it, so it got ported over to Netflix and there is signs of hope for a season two, because, apparently, done extremely well on Netflix, nice, or at least up to Netflix's standards.
Speaker 2:There are a couple of things going back and forth, but, uh, basically the show revolves around um a, a damaged interstellar cargo ship, so this is an animated series. Um, and they are stranded on an alien planet. Uh, that's just has this. You know, there's no human life, but there's just like tons of flora and fauna, um, and very ghibli-esque, where, like things are, you like the creatures are utilitarian, right, um, so like they've, they've evolved to, like get to have these attributes of like, you know, if, say, one of them gets scared, like they just literally inflate and then like fly away, oh right, so the what a great thing to be able to do, yeah it's literally just gonna turn into a ball boop and then, like you're light enough for the wind to catch you, you just go um, um, or, or, or.
Speaker 2:There's like a plant that that has uh, that has a little being inside of it, like a little, another little animal, just like sleeping inside this plant, and then, when it's time for it to germinate, like the thing opens up, the little creature wakes up and like pulls the seed out and then that goes and like buries it and then goes back into the plant and then goes back to sleep.
Speaker 2:So it's like, like, like really acid trippy things right, um, and and that's what made me really love this, it is very trippy. I liked it a ton um, huh, the, the, the, um, and and so like the apex, quote-unquote predator for this whole planet, is a telepathic creature, right, uh, it literally, um, you know, lives in the trees and it's it like kind of takes over, uh, other creatures telepathically, okay, and then like, makes them forage for it, right, so it just literally just sits in the tree and it takes control of this other creature and the other creature goes and like gathers food and stuff like that, and then brings it back to the creature. So it's like, that's like the apex thing, it's like the most feared in the planet. And the, the, although, like all this flora, fauna stuff is happening, the show is surround, is surrounding these survivors of the, the cargo ship disaster, basically, um, and it's four characters.
Speaker 2:I think it's four characters, yes, it should be four characters and an android, so five characters, not an android, but like a robot, like a you know mechanical thing that was up on the ship, um, and, and they're, they're, they're all separated, they all like landed in different parts of the planet or crashed into different parts of the planet. The ship is still in orbit, um, but they're trying to find a way to get the ship to land so they can leave or at least two of the people are and then they hop on the ship and things happen. And I don't want to ruin it for a lot of people, because I highly recommend people going to watch this. I think the biggest voice actors on the show, or just actors in general, are Aaliyah Shawkat, and she played Maybe, maybe Arrested Development right, arrested Development and Sunita Mani. She's done quite a few things. She's in the Turn Down for what music video?
Speaker 2:But, she's in other projects. I forgot the name of the title. It's an alien movie with little furry creatures. Alien movie with little like furry creatures.
Speaker 1:Okay, um and um bob stevenson, who's he's been kind of like a background character in many, many, many a thing.
Speaker 2:Um, and it's you know, they all do fantastic jobs sure they all do great, great, great, uh voice stuff. Uh, there there may be like I could have swore and I didn't look into this. I should have looked into this. There could have been, like other guests, actors that had like maybe one or two lines I'm not sure yeah, because I could have swore like I recognized the voice and I never went back and looked at it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's quite a few. I'm just looking at the cast lists on let's see's uh, uh, won me masaku. Uh, she was in loki. She's a b15. Uh, she's the um. Uh, one of the time police. Uh, people, uh, let's see. A lot of these people look familiar. I just can't play some. Skylar gisondo, he looks super familiar. He must have. He looks like he was on the crown. I don't know where he was from, but this looks, this looks really interesting. So, and did you say it's not a ghibli production, right?
Speaker 2:it is not a ghibli production.
Speaker 1:It looks, but it has like that anime type of feel to it with the animation.
Speaker 2:Yes yeah, yep, uh, lots of little details and stuff like that happening on the sides and stuff like that. So it's, it's that's what I said, and there was a very short. It was birthed from this. There was a short done, an eight-minute short that was done for Adult Swim back in 2016,.
Speaker 2:Part of Toonami for people that watched Cartoon Network back then, but I missed this, so it was a short. The short was actually really good. I actually went back and watched it, uh, and and it gave it gives you the vibes of this show where, like, okay, I understand what's happening here.
Speaker 2:There's no dialogue, there's like sounds and things like that happening in the in the eight minute block, but then you could see like, okay, I could see where this show came from. This little animation short, the, the I forgot what's going. The yeah, I mean, dude, I really it's quick episodes, you know, 20 minute, 30 minute episodes, whatever. There's 12 of them only. I mean, like I said, my, my buddy, gabe hit, hit a home run with this. Okay, definitely, definitely, definitely recommend watching it. Uh, I love the animation style, the animation house. Where was it? It was produced over two years by titmouse inc and green street pictures, um, and then animators from all over the world. Yeah, yeah, you know. So, you know. This is why I think people, I get that Ghibli vibe from it. Yeah, sure, yeah, tip, I don't know if that was their goal or not but you know that's what happened.
Speaker 1:And tip most. I've never heard of them until just now, but they've been involved with a lot. They were on, they did animation for Inside Out 2, the TV series Among Us, diary of a Wimpy Kid, christmas, angry Birds, mystery Island. I mean, they've been attached to a bunch of really interesting IPs. Oh, I'm going to check it out. So how many disco balls will you bestow upon?
Speaker 2:What Five disco balls Whoa, whoa.
Speaker 1:I think this is the second time we've ever maybe in 43 episodes, so let's say 30 episodes of what you're watching. Wow, Five.
Speaker 2:I really really like this. Wow, okay, anybody can plug whatever they want. If I had watched this prior to, uh, our canceled tv shows, I probably would have put this on the list, uh, I mean, although, like I said, I'm hoping because it was acquired by netflix and it did really well. Um, wow, I, I'm looking at INDB 8.7 out of 10. Yeah, you got tomato meter up, let's see. Tomato meter. I do not All right Tomatoes scavenger rain 100.
Speaker 1:100 on the tomato meter 96 on the popcorn meter. Okay, wow, wow, fantastic. Yeah, all right, the tomato meter 96 on the popcorn meter.
Speaker 2:Okay, wow, wow, fantastic. Yeah, all right, I'm gonna give it a watch, I'm gonna give it a walk, so I gotta break this down, ape it's. So I'm clicking on the tomato meter. Yeah, because you have to. You have to break this down. It's like what did one critic watch this top credits? Seven critics gave it fresh a fresh rating. Uh, 8.7 out of 10. And then all critics 22 critics gave it a fresh rating. So, yes, it is. You know, 22 credits is obviously it's not like the 400 credits or whatever, but 22 credits, I think, is a good it's a good showing test of like yeah
Speaker 2:yeah, so, yeah, one, like I said it, it gives you those ghibli vibes that a lot of people like get that emotion out of and stuff like that. I, I'm really hoping. And and Rotten Tomatoes puts it, it says 2023 to present. Yeah Right, not 2023 to 2024. So I'm really fingers crossed Netflix. Please do it right. Who's the CEO of Netflix? He's a Greek guy. I should know this. Ceo Netflix, reed Hastings. Nope, that's not. Well, he's the CEO, but I thought there was a Greek guy involved. Um, yes, reed, mr Hastings, because to Anthony Hayes first name usage or just the full name Reed Hastings you need to renew this.
Speaker 2:This is a fantastic show.
Speaker 1:Please, please, please, uh, renew the renew scavenger's reign in an open letter to netflix ceo reed hastings, nitro chris, pleading for the renewal. Well, I'm looking forward to diving into this. I'm going to load up my iPad and watch it on the plane this week. How many episodes? You said 12?, 8?, 12. Okay, all right, we'll check it out. Nice man.
Speaker 2:Five.
Speaker 1:Wow, yeah, all right, anthony, all right, what you watching? So, to make up for trap crap, I decided to give M Night's daughter, ishana Night Shemelon, a chance, and so Max is currently streaming the Watchers, which came out earlier in 2024. It stars Dakota Fanning, olwen Fuere who is like in every movie, it seems like this year Georgina Campbell and pretty much this woman. It takes place in Ireland and this woman is working for Dakota Fanna. She works for a pet store, I believe, and she is sent on assignment to go deliver a parakeet not a parakeet, but it's like bigger than a parakeet, but it does still talk. Anyway, deliver this parakeet to the middle of nowhere. It's like a day away drive from Galway, which is where this movie starts.
Speaker 1:Anyway, she finds herself traveling through the woods, car breaks down. She decides to take the bird and walk because she feels like she's not too far from it. This is on the trailer, by the way, I'm not spoiling anything. She sees the sign that says point of no return, number 89 or something like that, and she, of course, ignores it. Because what do we do when we see a sign in the woods that says point of no return? We just walk through it. Of course, ignores it. Because what do we do when we see a sign in the woods that says point of no return? We just walk through it. Anyway, she starts walking by and then immediately gets lost in the woods. She is greeted. So she starts getting chased by something and she starts running and is greeted by Olwen Fuere in the role of Madeline, who rescues her and takes her into this big box. And she immediately tells her we just stand here and again.
Speaker 1:This is all in the trailer. So this group of four people are now just standing in the middle of this room looking at this mirror and come to find out. It's a one-way mirror where people outside can look in. You can't see out, you just see a reflection and there are these beings, these very creepy sounding beings, that are now watching and applauding. There's this new person and you just have to stay there and stand while they watch you. That's the premise in a nutshell. It's very. It's a. There's a lot more complication to it, but what I will say is this definitely made up for trap, the twist ending. There was no necessarily big twist ending, so I'm glad that she is not trying to take the mantle from her father to be a twister.
Speaker 1:It was a. It was a fun horror movie. There's no gratuitous violence or anything like that. It's a horror movie built on mythology, which I appreciate. It's built on being like a creature feature, so you get to not only experience these creatures from the periphery by like hearing them and sensing them, but then you eventually get to see them and it's just super creepy.
Speaker 1:I was very pleasantly surprised with it. There's I think I've said this before there's few movies where my ADD doesn't kick in and I have to grab my phone or my laptop or just find something and turn it into background noise. I actually was. I sat and I watched this movie in its entirety without interruption and it was really. It was a treat to watch horror thrillers that are steeped in mythology that keep you I wouldn't say guessing, but like borderline edge of your seat. Then this was a good one and the ending was pretty decent as well.
Speaker 1:Like I said, it wasn't twisty or anything like that. It was a good wrap up and it kind of opened the door I wouldn't say necessarily for a sequel, but I could see this being a world-building, the ground zero for a world-building type of series where they could do a film set in this version of reality that tells similar stories or uses different characters or even goes back, because, like I said, it's a mythological piece and so you have a whole history that they touch on but you don't necessarily see, and it could be an interesting kind of move into fantasy with this. So anyway, I feel like I'm gushing about it. This movie does not deserve gushing, but it is a really fun movie. I'm not going to give it a five disco ball. I will give it a four disco ball because yes, it was, it was.
Speaker 1:It was a lot of fun to watch. I love movies that have a mythological component to it. I haven't seen Dakota Fanning since probably War of the Worlds or Hide and Seek or something like that. It's been a long time. I know that she's been doing stuff, I just can't remember seeing her in anything recent. So it was nice to see Dakota Fanning all grown up and doing stuff. The casting was a lot of fun and the storytelling was fun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, have you seen it?
Speaker 2:Wow, yeah, I have not. Yeah, I think you beat up on M Night so much you owe it to his. You're paying him back. Wow Four, four. Yes, your paying him back? Wow, four, yes, m Night.
Speaker 1:I don't apologize for beating up your last movie, but your daughter is on to really great things and I believe she wrote it as well, and it's based on a novel. Okay, so it's not an original idea, but it's based on a novel. I actually might read the book. It's a book by AM Shine. So it's not an original idea but it's based on a novel. I actually might read the book. It's a book by AM Shine. I don't know this person. Ashana Shyamalan wrote it for the screen and directed it. Obviously it was produced by M Night Shyamalan. That's not a shocker, but yeah, now here's where I start questioning my efficacy as a reviewer of films and television.
Speaker 1:Rotten Tomatoes 32% tomato meter score 10 people gave it fresh, 29 people gave it rotten. It has a 4.9 out of 10. And then the popcorn meter, which is the verified audience out of 250, plus verified ratings have a 52%. So nobody, it was not liked. And so the critics' consensus heavy, un-eerie mood, but undone by an obtuse script. I say I disagree with that. The watchers can only hold the gaze for so long before tedium sets in. Heavy, uneary mood, but undone by an obtuse script. I say I disagree with that. The Watchers can only hold the gaze for so long before tedium sets in. Yeah, I disagree with that statement. I was entertained by it. I don't think the script was god-awful or obtuse, yeah, and then Box Office Mojo so this did come out. Um, and then box office mojo so this did come out.
Speaker 1:Uh, domestically on June 7th, so not long ago. Uh, opening was at $7 million, didn't go far. Uh, it's worldwide gross was 32 million, so I don't see how many weeks it was in theaters, but yeah, so it didn't do well at the box office. It was not appreciated by, apparently, audiences and critics. But I hope to see more. I hope to see more from Ashana Shumalan. I hope she continues to stay away from trying to replicate her father's work by twisting and turning, and I'm curious to see where she goes next. Nice, yeah.
Speaker 2:Very, very nice of you, Thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you. Yeah, I had to make up, especially the thumbnail that I put on YouTube of the last episode. I kind of felt bad about that one. Sorry, not sorry, sorry, not sorry, yeah. So, chris, what, oh yeah?
Speaker 2:I mean, as you're describing it, I'm like this is definitely something, because it seems like it's very cerebral, it gets in your head kind of thing. It gives you that. It causes an emotion, right, Like that is what a really good horror film does, right? It causes that emotion, so yeah maybe I will watch it.
Speaker 1:Give it a watch. Give it a watch. When the kids are in bed grab Kat, give it a watch. When the kids are in bed grab Kat, give it a watch. It's on no, it's not happening. She's not into that she won't do.
Speaker 2:We were talking about this yesterday. She wouldn't do a Stranger Things escape room, really okay forget about watching the show she wouldn't do the escape room okay, interesting interesting. Yeah, no, I it's.
Speaker 1:Forget about watching the show. She wouldn't do the escape room.
Speaker 1:Okay, interesting, interesting, yeah, yeah, no, I it's yeah because you're it's one of those movies where you're trapped, in essence, and there's no escape, and each of the characters in this room have been there for various periods of time. There was a little bit of a twist at the end. A little bit of a twist but you can kind of plot it out. It's not like a I see dead people thing, but you can kind of plot out where it is going at a certain point. But each of these characters does have their kind of own history that they come into it with.
Speaker 1:And the movies that where you're trapped and you can't go anywhere are the ones that I really like. I think we were talking about this the other day open water, where they're on the boat and they're just stuck in the middle of the ocean, they can't go anywhere. Like those movies give you like this visceral anxiety. It's like, oh my God, I can't leave. I think we all, you know, kind of feel like that when we feel trapped or cornered. And this movie it doesn't 100% get you there, but it starts to get you there and I think they could have played a little bit more with the anxiety of I cannot leave this place, otherwise I will be torn apart by whatever this creature is or these creatures are. They could have played more with that to boost up the anxiety, but again, four disco balls Really had a fun time with it. I'm looking forward to what's next for Miss Ashana Night Shyamalan. Nice Cool, all right, all right, round two man. What's next on your list?
Speaker 2:Round two Something a little bit nostalgic, actually very nostalgic. This is all it really appeals to. Uh, I watched um again this is a while ago. We just were catching up on our list. There's so much like cool new stuff and we're like, hey, we need to talk about the present things. But uh, I did talk. I did see um, beverly hills cop, colon axel f. I don't know why they chose this title. I mean, maybe they didn't want to name it. You know Beverly Hills Cop 4. But premiered on Netflix back in July and I got around to watching it around that time. And you know what? If you don't know the Beverly Hills Cop franchise, just turn this off, go skip to the next thing that Anthony's going to talk about, but I'm not going to dive into it.
Speaker 2:It is further into the future, in the timeline of beverly hills cop. Everyone is a little bit more aged. They make a lot of jokes about this. Um, you know, very, in the vein of of um, another cop series. Uh, uh, lethal weapon. You know, uh, with the famous quote of I'm getting told too old for this S word, um, the, the. Again, a lot of jokes about that. Um, a lot of returning characters. Right, eddie Murphy, obviously, is in it. Judge Ryan holds in it as Billy Rosewood. Uh, john Ashton has been promoted to chief. Uh, john Taggart. Um, so, yeah, paul Reiser is in it as well. Bronson Pinchot as Serge.
Speaker 2:That's fantastic, right, and that's why I said it's a trip down nostalgia lane. It evokes that the fun, the action, the comedy of the original series Beverly Hills Cop. It did great.
Speaker 1:I think it hit that nerve.
Speaker 2:We're talking about a shoot-em-up action, police comedy, thriller kind of situation. Uh, axel's daughter ends up in a precarious situation. Um, she, she, I think she's a, she's her lawyer in the in the movie and she wants nothing to do with her dad. Okay, you know. So, like stuff like that, you know it's a little bit of family dramas that you know entwined in the whole thing and I, I, I liked it. Right. Just to get down to brass tacks, I liked it. Uh, they did good, you know, for the series and uh, should they make another one?
Speaker 1:probably not, yeah was there any torch?
Speaker 2:passing.
Speaker 1:Yes, ish, ish, okay Got it Right.
Speaker 2:So yeah, there are younger people involved, gotcha Joseph Gordon Levinson.
Speaker 1:No kidding Okay.
Speaker 2:Who is like dating or dated Axel's daughter Okay, he's also a cop, okay, which is why the relationship didn't work out, got it right. His daughter just is like I'm done with cops, you know, because there's a falling out between the two of them. Um, and yeah, I think I like I said I think they did good kevin I mean kevin bacon's in it, oh well, so yeah, tons, so yeah, tons of people worth watching.
Speaker 1:And Eddie Murphy? He's not been. I mean, I'm looking at his IMDb page. So obviously, coming to America 2 came out in 21. He's done a couple of films in between that and Beverly Hills Cop, but I couldn't even tell you what these movies were about. So, but so it's nice to see that he's. He's. I don't know if this is a comeback for him or if he's just kind of riding the coattails of his previous IPs and you know, just for a paycheck, but it's nice to see. You know he was such a revered comedian and actor, so it's nice to see him back at it. I'm curious, though he's now done two reboots. I guess you could call them reboots.
Speaker 1:Are we going to see a Golden Child sequel anytime soon? I wonder if I would watch that. That was a fun movie. Oh, fun fact, because we were talking about, like my weird celebrity connections when I was at your house the other day. I have a friend she used to be a co-worker now a friend who is best friends with the Golden Child, the kid who played the Golden Child.
Speaker 2:No way yes.
Speaker 1:And I think she, she's a um, the girl who played the golden child, I think she's a lawyer now or something like that. Um, but yeah, they, they were like best friends. They're still best friends, yeah, yeah, so she just did that one thing, but it happened to be. You know the, the titular character of an Eddie Murphy film.
Speaker 2:So yeah.
Speaker 1:Uh, pretty strange. I have weird connections Cool, cool connections, cool connections Cool connections.
Speaker 2:Um, I mean, yeah, like I'm looking at his filmography too, he's tons of sequels Shrek's, the Shrek series. There's another Shrek coming out in 2026. Shrek 5. I'm sure he's making tons of money playing Donkey the Pink Panther.
Speaker 1:Inspector Clouseau. What Was he in there? No, it's upcoming. Oh, I don't see that here. Oh, interesting, there's no date, it just says pre-production Interesting, okay, listen man, there's no date, it just says pre-production Interesting, okay, listen man. He's made his money.
Speaker 2:Have at it. He does a certain character very well, or several characters, as we saw in Coming to America. So good, yeah, I think it's great. Disco balls. I'll cut right to mean this is what else can we talk about? This is, this is a, this is a nostalgia writing train. Uh, disco balls, I'm gonna give it. I'm gonna give it three okay uh, because again it's not not anything original it's not like award-winning talent or whatever I mean.
Speaker 2:Yes, they are award-winning actors, but you can tell this is like give me some money kind of situation. But I liked it. I loved all the original movies, so this was good. It's awesome. Three if you have not seen the series, right, Shame on you. Most importantly, Uh, but if you have not seen the series, you would probably give it a two disco balls.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, so you need some of the background to truly appreciate it.
Speaker 2:Yes, Wasn't George Lucas? Didn't he have a cameo in one of them? It was a theme park one that was part three, wasn't it, wally World, nice man, okay, three disco balls and right back to you what you watching.
Speaker 1:Well, I finished this last night. It's a very easy watch. It's streaming on Netflix. It's called Tires. And it's a very easy watch. It's streaming on Netflix. It's called Tires and it's a series. There's only one season of it. I believe it was like six or seven episodes. It wasn't a lot of episodes.
Speaker 1:It takes place somewhere in like Western Pennsylvania at a automotive store like a Mavis discount tire or something like that, or a Jiffy Lube discount tire or something like that or a Jiffy Lube, and it just follows these characters and they're day-to-day at the store and they're trying to drive sales and save the store from closing. I mean, that's pretty much the plot line in a nutshell. It stars Shane Gillis. He's the only person that I know in this. Everybody else is just kind of a no-name. But Shane Gillis for those of you who don't know, he is a stand-up comedian. He's a podcaster. He is very funny in a very kind of blue-collar sort of way. Uh, very, I very much appreciate his sense of humor. My little brother actually turned me on to him a few years ago, uh, and I stumbled upon it on Netflix.
Speaker 1:It is a mindless watch, you know. It's not like you're going to be on the edge of your seat. Uh, I liken it to it like the late night sitcoms, uh of like the late eighties, early nineties, just kind of like this silly reality. I can't even liken anything to it, nothing is coming to mind. But there's just, there's a comfort to it that I like watching. But it's definitely like a mindless show and I really enjoyed it. I was sorry that it was so short lived. It was only six episodes. I don't know where it was originally, but Netflix picked it up and it does sound like Netflix has renewed it, picked it up for a second season, which is great, so we'll get to see more of these folks. But if you're looking for a mindless sometimes laugh out loud show, give this one a shot. Tires on Netflix, because it's not like advancing the genre of sitcom television. I'm only going to give it like. I'll give it three disco balls. I'll give it three and a half.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Again, it's mindless. You're not going to go into it to get smarter or take something away from it that's going to change your life. This is a good end of the day. Everyone's asleep. I need something to watch to turn off my brain. Instead of watching South Park, I'll watch Tires. You know there's grown-up humor to it, grown-up language to it, so I wouldn't watch it with the kids for sure.
Speaker 2:But yeah, definitely give it a watch if you need something mindless in your queue. Okay, fair, yeah, I was looking at the cast. I didn't see anybody that I really recognized, and Shane Gillis is kind of niche too.
Speaker 1:Oh, definitely yeah. And I think he's done more for himself in the podcast world than he has in anything. But I've seen some of his standup and he's pretty. Yeah, he's niche. Like I say, he's a very blue collar type of humor Borderline, sophomoric, but still fun to watch yeah.
Speaker 2:Nice, okay, okay, cool, all right.
Speaker 2:I'll take us right out. Do you want more Geeky A Go-Go? Make sure you're following us on all the socials at Geeky A Go-Go and share with us what you're watching. Want cool stuff? Want to connect with us on a higher level, like on our Discord channel? Head on over to Patreoncom, slash Geygogo and support the show. You'll get awesome swag for free and other perks. If you haven't done so already, make sure you're following the show on your favorite podcast platform. Start that over. If you haven't done so already, make sure you're following the show on your favorite podcast platform and leave us a review. Thanks so much for listening. Peace out everybody.
Speaker 1:Bye-bye, bye, bye-bye, geek thanks so much for listening. Peace out everybody. Bye, bye. Kiki Ako Go, kiki Ako Go.
Speaker 2:Kiki, ako Go out. Yeah, there it is.