Geeky a Go Go
Geeky a Go Go
We Review Apartment 7A, KAOS, Agatha All Along and More this week on Whatcha’ Watchin’
Welcome back to another exciting episode of Whatcha’ Watchin’ presented by Geeky a Go Go. This week, we had a blast catching up with our hosts, AP, Nitro, and the triumphant return of Eric from his Taiwanese adventures. From space odysseys to mythological showdowns, spooky season treats, and even a dash of feline charm, this episode has it all. Let's dive into the highlights!
Whatch’ Watchin’
- Nitro's List
- KAOS on Netflix: A modern retelling of Greek mythology, captivated Nitro with its star-studded cast but left Nitro with mixed feelings due to creative liberties taken with the myths.
- Sweet Tooth on Netflix: A post-apocalyptic adventure featuring human-animal hybrids, gets a thumbs up from Nitro. He likens it to "The Last of Us" but geared towards a younger audience.
- Eric's List
- Agatha All Along on Disney+: This new Disney+ show has Eric under its spell. This WandaVision spinoff, with its intriguing cast and suspenseful plot, is a perfect watch for the Halloween season.
- Red Cat Ramen on Crunchyroll: Eric delights in this anime about talking cats running a ramen shop, highlighting its humor and charm.
- AP’s List
- Apollo 13: Survival on Netflix: A gripping documentary about the ill-fated mission left AP on the edge of his seat. The real footage and voices add a layer of authenticity that's hard to beat.
- Apartment 7A on Paramount+: AP enjoyed this prequel to "Rosemary's Baby," despite its mixed critical reception.
That's a wrap for this week's episode. Remember to follow @geekyagogo on Facebook and Instagram, share your watching recommendations, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Until next time, may your queues be inspired!
What’s on your queue this week? Send us a note at mailbag@geekyagogo.com for a chance to have your recommendations shared on the show!
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